Using while loop in select * into a table

  • I am trying to select records from a large table with millions of records and insert the records into another table without filling up tran log 10000 records at a time. Here is the code I am using

    SET ROWCOUNT 10000


    SET @RCOUNT = 10000

    WHILE @RCOUNT = 10000



    INSERT blanket_Table2

    SELECT * FROM blanket_Table

    SELECT @RCOUNT = @@rowcount




    How do I loop trhrough blank_table untill all the records in it is inserted into blanket_Table2?

  • This article is quite informative[/url] for what you want to do.

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  • Is the table you are insert data into initially empty?

    You may want something like this:

    declare @rows int;

    set @rows = 10000;

    while @rows <> 0


    insert into dbo.JBMTestA

    select top (10000)



    dbo.JBMTest t1

    left outer join dbo.JBMTestA t2

    on (t1.RowNum = t2.RowNum)


    t2.RowNum is null;

    set @rows = @@rowcount;



  • If you can, give this task to DBA.

    DBA can switch server into Bulk-logged or Simple Recovery model (if it's currently set to a Full Recovery ) and then use SELECT INTO, which will create and populate new table at once (with all millions of raws) without much logging into transaction log.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
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  • Yes.

  • elutin (5/28/2010)

    If you can, give this task to DBA.

    DBA can switch server into Bulk-logged or Simple Recovery model (if it's currently set to a Full Recovery ) and then use SELECT INTO, which will create and populate new table at once (with all millions of raws) without much logging into transaction log.

    Hopefully, if the database is using FULL recovery model, the DBA knows better than to switch the recovery model to SIMPLE as that would break the t-log backup chain.

    Switching to BULK_LOGGED, running the SELECT INTO, switching back to FULL, running a t-log backup.

    Oh, if the database is using FULL recovery model, the checkpoint won't keep the t-log from growing, you'd need to run a t-log backup at that point instead ot the checkpoint.

  • Thanks Lynn,

    Can you please explain this section of your code?



    dbo.JBMTest t1

    left outer join dbo.JBMTestA t2

    on (t1.RowNum = t2.RowNum)


    t2.RowNum is null;

    expecially t1.* and t2.

  • I would love to explain my code snippet to you, but first I'd like you to try and explain it to me. To do this you first need to do some reading in Books Online. The two areas to search on are Table Aliases and Left Outer Joins.

    I'm asking you to do this to help you learn. I know I understand things better if I do the research first myself and then ask questions for clarification.

  • I will do that.

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