Code with CTE works in SQL 2008, but not in SQL 2005

  • Hi there!

    In short, the code below works in SQL 2008, but generates the following error when executed on SQL 2005, for every insert that fails:

    Msg 1046, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed.



    -- Note:Some (unimportant) parts of the code are left out on purpose. E.g:

    --The table [dbo].[DatabaseSizes] that saves the collected database sizes

    --exists and has the correct columns and data types.

    -- If not exists create temporary table

    CREATE TABLE #AllocTable


    Database_idsmallintPRIMARY KEY,




    -- Cursor inserts database names and the SUM of total_pages from sys.allocation_units, for all databases. E.g:

    -- INSERT #AllocTable (Database_id,Database_Name,AllocPages) values (1,'master', (SELECT sum(total_pages) FROM [master].sys.allocation_units))

    -- Summarize the data files

    WITH SumData AS


    SELECT d.database_id, SUM(d.size) AS [DataSize]

    FROM sys.master_files d

    WHERE d.type = 0

    GROUP BY d.database_id


    -- Summarize the log files

    SumLog AS


    SELECT l.database_id, SUM(l.size) AS [LogSize]

    FROM sys.master_files l

    WHERE l.type = 1

    GROUP BY l.database_id


    -- Here something goes wrong on SQL 2005, but works on 2008

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[DatabaseSizes]


    LTRIM(STR((CONVERT (DEC (15,2),sd.DataSize) + CONVERT (DEC (15,2), sl.[LogSize])) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2)) 'Size'

    ,LTRIM(STR((CONVERT (DEC (15,2),sd.DataSize)) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2)) 'Reserved'

    ,LTRIM(STR((CONVERT (DEC (15,2),sd.DataSize) - CONVERT (DEC (15,2), at.AllocPages)) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2)) 'Unused'

    ,DB_NAME(sd.database_id) 'Name'

    FROM SumData sd

    JOIN SumLog sl

    ON sd.database_id = sl.database_id

    JOIN #AllocTable at

    ON sl.database_id = at.Database_id

    If anyone has any idea and an answer on why this doesn't work, I would be very thankful!



  • I cant see anything wrong, the only issue may be the DB_NAME function, out of curisoity have you tried substituting it with the at.Database_Name reference from the Temp Table?

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Well, the code you've posted is correct in terms of syntax, but it's fairly difficult for anyone to work out what's wrong without the full code (and DDL to create any tables, insert data etc).

    Off the top of my head, is there an insert trigger on DatabaseSizes?

  • Thank you for your answers!

    Jason: Tried substituting the function with at.Database_Name, but unfortunately it didn't help... Good point though to use an already existing value, instead of the overhead of using a function! Your suggestion is included in the code sample below.

    Howard: No, there's no insert trigger on DatabaseSizes.

    Yes, I understand that it's difficult to find a solution to the problem, when not all code is presented. I noticed when modifying the code that it's not in the INSERT statement the error is generated, but in the SELECT.

    The complete code for generating the error on SQL 2005, just copy paste, F5:


    IF(OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#AllocTable')) > 0


    TRUNCATE TABLE #AllocTable




    CREATE TABLE #AllocTable


    Database_idsmallintPRIMARY KEY,





    DECLARE @dbid smallint, @dbname sysname, @stmt nvarchar(1000)

    -- Cursor for looping through allocated pages


    SELECT database_id, name FROM sys.databases

    OPEN AllocationCur

    FETCH NEXT FROM AllocationCur INTO @dbid, @dbname



    SET @stmt = N'INSERT #AllocTable (Database_id,Database_Name,AllocPages) values (' + convert(nvarchar(5),@dbid) + ',''' + @dbname + ''', (SELECT sum(total_pages) FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.allocation_units))'

    EXEC sp_executesql @stmt

    FETCH NEXT FROM AllocationCur INTO @dbid, @dbname


    CLOSE AllocationCur

    DEALLOCATE AllocationCur;

    -- Summarize the data files

    WITH SumData AS


    SELECT d.database_id, SUM(d.size) AS [DataSize]

    FROM sys.master_files d

    WHERE d.type = 0

    GROUP BY d.database_id


    -- Summarize the log files

    SumLog AS


    SELECT l.database_id, SUM(l.size) AS [LogSize]

    FROM sys.master_files l

    WHERE l.type = 1

    GROUP BY l.database_id



    LTRIM(STR((CONVERT (DEC (15,2),sd.DataSize) + CONVERT (DEC (15,2), sl.[LogSize])) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2)) 'Size'

    ,LTRIM(STR((CONVERT (DEC (15,2),sd.DataSize)) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2)) 'Reserved'

    ,LTRIM(STR((CONVERT (DEC (15,2),sd.DataSize) - CONVERT (DEC (15,2), at.AllocPages)) * 8192 / 1048576,15,2)) 'Unused'

    ,at.Database_Name 'Name'

    FROM SumData sd

    JOIN SumLog sl

    ON sd.database_id = sl.database_id

    JOIN #AllocTable at

    ON sl.database_id = at.Database_id

    More suggestions and ideas are appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!


  • The problem isnt in the CTE its in the Dynamic SQL thats within the cursor, where you have SUB Select in the Insert statement.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • For SQL Server 2005 you need to do a little more work,

    SET @stmt = N'DECLARE @AllocPages int;

    SELECT @AllocPages=sum(total_pages) FROM '

    + QUOTENAME(@dbname) + '.sys.allocation_units;

    INSERT #AllocTable (Database_id,Database_Name,AllocPages)

    values (' + convert(nvarchar(5),@dbid) + ',''' + @dbname + ''',@AllocPages )'

    as you can see I've created a variable in the Dynamic SQL statement and assigned the sum to it, then run the insert using the value.

    Hope this helps.

    PS : SQL 2008 does allow for sub selects in the Values clause of an insert statement.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Worked like a charm! 🙂

    Thank you very much Jason, for your fast reply and nice solution of my problem!

    Btw, now I definitely know the importance of posting the whole code snippet! 😉

  • Glad to help, I did find the problem interesting hence the quick response. 🙂

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

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