Query hierarchical data

  • hi,

    i have a table storing the contact groups for my addressbook application.

    groups can be nested and a contact may belongs to different groups.

    i need a query that, given a groupid, returns all the contact present in that group and all subgroups.

    The group table has these column :

    GroupId int

    ParentGroupId int

    GroupName nvarchar(50)

    I don't need a recursive query.

    Any idea?


  • Given your table constraints, the only solution is to use a recursive query. If you had SQL Server 2008, there is a new data HEIRARCHICAL data type for this kind of situation. For the others, you can use a query like this (limiting to 5 levels of recursion):

    WITH cte AS


    SELECT GroupId, ParentGroupId, GroupName

    FROM #Test

    WHERE GroupId = @GroupID


    SELECT t1.GroupId, t1.ParentGroupId, t1.GroupName

    FROM #Test t1

    JOIN cte t2 ON t1.ParentGroupId = t2.groupID



    without more data I couldn't do much more for you.

  • Start here

    You can use nested sets to simplify any hierarchy. Kamfonas' site should get you going -- the first thing to do is to change your parent/child model to a brand new table. It'll take some doing, but you'll get to

    SELECT * from hier dsc INNER JOIN hier anc ON dsc.LFT BETWEEN anc.LFT and anc.RGT

    WHERE anc.tag = 'requested hierarchy root'

    It's like magic.

  • Yeah that's the solution we're using for a heirarchy data structure as well. Works pretty well, although it requires you to do some pretty hefty data re-organization.

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