Sql 2000 to Sql 2008 Upgrade, Advisor exception

  • Hello all. Hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

    I am using the Sql 2008 upgrade advisor on a sql 2000, SP4 sql instance (server = Windows Server 2003, SP2) and when I review the report I get an entry that states the following:

    Invalid column name 'log_shipping'

    When I click on the drill down all it says is:


    Unfortunately it doesn't give me any other indiciation of where this is.

    I have detached all the user databases for our upgrade (manager requested) so I assume this is looking somewhere in the msdb database...but I have not been able to find where.

    I have deleted all the maintenance plans (need to reset them using SSIS anyways) and still this issue is not resolved.

    Any clue as to where this is or what I should be looking at (or that I can ignore it) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  • Have you disabled log shipping (you can check if it is enabled by right clicking the database -> Properties in the general tab click 'details').

  • Apologies, I just re-read your post and noticed you already detached the databases. This might be the issue however, if you detatched them without disabling log shipping (I am assuming you are running Enterprise Edition of SQL 2000)...

  • David,

    thank you for your reply. Yes, I am running Ent version of sql 2000. I tried what you suggested (server I am working on is a backup so I looked at our production box) but when I right click the database and select "properties" I don't see a "Details" tab. I see the options tab but don't see anything there that states anything about log shipping.


  • I'm guessing that you don't have log shipping setup then. (In the database properties, I can see backup details, maintenence plan information and under that log shipping- with a 'details' button).

    To be honest, you can spend days trying to find the cause of the warning, but if I was in your position, I would be inclined to ignore any log shipping or maintenance plan warnings as I would create them from scratch after upgrading (not to mention ditching log shipping in favour of mirroring if possible!).


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