Find Avg based on Date

  • Hi,

    I would like to take the average of size if the month and year measure date are the same for the same ClientId. For example, client 100 product measured date doesn't have the same month and year so, display all the data. But for example, Client 101 has multiple product size measured in the month of 6/2010, so I would like to take the average of size in the month of 6/2010 and display the data. Basically, I would like the data to look like below:

    More Info about data: Two different Clients can have the same product name. A client can only have one product name.












    MeasurIDClientIDProductName Size MeasuredDate

    84 100 bfcxb 48.38 2/15/2010

    101 100 bfcxb 49.65 3/22/2010

    123 100 bfcxb 50.77 4/14/2010

    148 100 bfcxb 51.12 5/14/2010

    149 100 bfcxb 35.12 6/8/2010

    150 100 bfcxb 36.87 7/4/2010

    124 101 tkczfbag 2.06 7/14/2010

    34 101 tkczfbag 1.01 6/23/2010

    102 101 tkczfbag 1.89 6/29/2010

    85 101 tkczfbag 1.73 6/25/2010

    69 101 tkczfbag 1.52 6/24/2010

    50 101 tkczfbag 1.52 6/24/2010

    52 101 tkczfbag 1.53 6/24/2010

    30 101 tkczfbag 1.01 6/23/2010

    22 101 tkczfbag 1.01 6/23/2010

    24 101 tkczfbag 1.01 6/23/2010

    16 101 tkczfbag 1.02 6/23/2010

    18 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/23/2010

    19 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/23/2010

    25 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/23/2010

    32 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/23/2010

    54 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/24/2010

    36 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/23/2010

    70 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/24/2010

    86 102 bfcxb 15.15 6/25/2010

    103 102 bfcxb 15.26 6/29/2010

    126 102 bfcxb 26.94 7/14/2010

    125 103 tkcmp 24.45 7/14/2010

    104 103 tkcmp 24.59 6/29/2010

    105 104 tkcmp 1.69 6/29/2010

    87 104 tkcmp 1.69 6/25/2010

    71 104 tkcmp 1.69 6/24/2010

    56 104 tkcmp 1.69 6/24/2010

    38 104 tkcmp 1.69 6/23/2010

    31 104 tkcmp 1.69 6/23/2010

  • Is that display intented to match the sample data you provided?

    Because the sample you showed for client 101, product tkczfbag , month june, you said you want it to show an average size of 1.35, but all of your sample detail records for that product/client/month were 1.01. Am I missing something here?

  • Yes, sorry I posted the wrong data and average measurement... that is what happened when you're in a hurry;-). I have edited the original post. Thanks for that.

  • Can't you just do a group by clause and use avg for this?

    select ClientId, ProductName, Avg(Size), dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, MeasuredDate),0)



    group by ClientId, ProductName, dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, MeasuredDate),0)

    This may not be perfect as the decimal places in the average could need rounding depending on the data type of "Size", and the date is not yet formatted the way you have it in your example (like this each month will have a record for the first day of that month), but its generally the way you'd accomplish what you're looking for.

  • ejbatu1,

    I know you're new here. Welcome to the community.

    First thing, it really helps people to help you if you include your sample data in a quickly usable format such as this:

    CREATE TABLE #table






    INSERT INTO #table

    SELECT 84,100,'bfcxb',48.38,'2/15/2010' UNION

    SELECT 101,100,'bfcxb',49.65,'3/22/2010' UNION

    SELECT 123,100,'bfcxb',50.77,'4/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 148,100,'bfcxb',51.12,'5/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 149,100,'bfcxb',35.12,'6/8/2010' UNION

    SELECT 150,100,'bfcxb',36.87,'7/4/2010' UNION

    SELECT 124,101,'tkczfbag',2.06,'7/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 34,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 102,101,'tkczfbag',1.89,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 85,101,'tkczfbag',1.73,'6/25/2010' UNION

    SELECT 69,101,'tkczfbag',1.52,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 50,101,'tkczfbag',1.52,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 52,101,'tkczfbag',1.53,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 30,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 22,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 24,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 16,101,'tkczfbag',1.02,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 18,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 19,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 25,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 32,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 54,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 36,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 70,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 86,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/25/2010' UNION

    SELECT 103,102,'bfcxb',15.26,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 126,102,'bfcxb',26.94,'7/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 125,103,'tkcmp',24.45,'7/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 104,103,'tkcmp',24.59,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 105,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 87,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/25/2010' UNION

    SELECT 71,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 56,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 38,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 31,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/23/2010'

    Now, as to your question, based on what you've described I think this is what you're looking for:

    SELECT ClientID,


    CAST(AVG(Size) AS DECIMAL(6,2)) as Size,

    CAST(MONTH(MeasuredDate) AS VARCHAR) + '/' + CAST(YEAR(MeasuredDate) AS VARCHAR) as MeasuredDate

    FROM #table

    GROUP BY ClientID, ProductName, MONTH(MeasuredDate), YEAR(MeasuredDate)

    ORDER BY ClientID, YEAR(MeasuredDate), MONTH(MeasuredDate)

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Nevyn thank you that worked.

    Okay I'll work on that bteraberry, thanks

    I have a different question along the same line... not sure if I should create the separate post or not.

    My question is, after finding the average, how can I find the average changes for each client, for example, if we take client 100:

    The change from 2/2010 and 3/2010 is 1.27

    The change from 3/2010 and 4/2010 is 1.12

    The change from 4/2010 and 5/2010 is 0.35

    The change from 5/2010 and 6/2010 is -16

    The change from 6/2010 and 7/2010 is 1.75

    Then calculate the average excluding any negative changes would be: 1.1225

    Rounded to 1.12 to be displayed

    For Client 101 the change from 6/2010 and 7/2010 is 0.7

    Then the average would be (obviously) 0.7

    Rounded to 0.7 to be displayed

    The display would be




  • Could you post the script you have so far and the table definition? This one is a tad more complicated, and just easier to show using the actual parameters and such you're using in your query.

    But basically what you can do is create a CTE of the above query, and then do a query joining the CTE to itself joining the record from one month to the next where there is an increase, and avg the difference in the values. One thing to be careful of, though, is your rounding. If you round at each stage, then you'll end up with averages of averages and the numbers will be less accurate.

    PS> Are these really being run as standalone queries or automated jobs? They seem like reporting style data, and are the type of thing most people would calculate in a reporting tool or custom front-end app, as opposed to having the DB figure out. If you need this at the db level, thats fine, just asking as it seemed odd.

  • Below is the table definition. I wish I had a script to share, but I didn't know where to begin. I even did a search online for similar scenario, but I was not able to find anything.

    Not sure what CTE is, but yes, I was planning on using this information as a report.

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProdSIZE](

    [MeasurID] [int] IDENTITY(10,1) NOT NULL,

    [ClientID] [int] NOT NULL,

    [ProductName] [nvarchar](128) NOT NULL,

    [Size] [float] NOT NULL,

    [MeasuredDate] [datetime] NOT NULL,


  • Are you connecting it to a reporting tool? Crystal or SSRS would probably do this easier than straight SQL, while providing nicer formatting.

    Heck, even just doing a raw query output to excel and using formulas there might be better.

    A CTE is a 'common table expression'. In this case it just makes things a bit cleaner as were joining a grouped query to itself

    Anyway, here is the test that I ran. Looks like it is working

    CREATE TABLE #table

    (MeasurID INT

    ,ClientID INT

    ,ProductName VARCHAR(128)

    ,Size float

    ,MeasuredDate DATETIME)

    INSERT INTO #table

    SELECT 84,100,'bfcxb',48.38,'2/15/2010' UNION

    SELECT 101,100,'bfcxb',49.65,'3/22/2010' UNION

    SELECT 123,100,'bfcxb',50.77,'4/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 148,100,'bfcxb',51.12,'5/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 149,100,'bfcxb',35.12,'6/8/2010' UNION

    SELECT 150,100,'bfcxb',36.87,'7/4/2010' UNION

    SELECT 124,101,'tkczfbag',2.06,'7/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 34,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 102,101,'tkczfbag',1.89,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 85,101,'tkczfbag',1.73,'6/25/2010' UNION

    SELECT 69,101,'tkczfbag',1.52,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 50,101,'tkczfbag',1.52,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 52,101,'tkczfbag',1.53,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 30,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 22,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 24,101,'tkczfbag',1.01,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 16,101,'tkczfbag',1.02,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 18,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 19,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 25,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 32,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 54,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 36,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 70,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 86,102,'bfcxb',15.15,'6/25/2010' UNION

    SELECT 103,102,'bfcxb',15.26,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 126,102,'bfcxb',26.94,'7/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 125,103,'tkcmp',24.45,'7/14/2010' UNION

    SELECT 104,103,'tkcmp',24.59,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 105,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/29/2010' UNION

    SELECT 87,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/25/2010' UNION

    SELECT 71,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 56,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/24/2010' UNION

    SELECT 38,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/23/2010' UNION

    SELECT 31,104,'tkcmp',1.69,'6/23/2010'


    WITH MonthClientCTE (ClientID,ProductName,SizeAvg,QueryMonth)


    (SELECT ClientID,ProductName,Avg(Size) AS SizeAvg,dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, MeasuredDate),0) AS QueryMonth

    FROM #table

    GROUP BY ClientID,ProductName,dateadd(month, datediff(month, 0, MeasuredDate),0))

    SELECT c.ClientID,c.ProductName,isnull(d.SizeAvg,0)


    MonthClientCTE AS c


    (SELECT a.ClientID,a.ProductName,avg(b.SizeAvg-a.SizeAvg) AS SizeAvg

    FROM MonthClientCTE AS a

    INNER JOIN MonthClientCTE AS b

    ON a.ClientID = b.ClientID

    and dateadd(month,1,a.QueryMonth)=b.QueryMonth

    and b.SizeAvg >= a.SizeAvg

    group by a.ProductName,a.clientID)

    AS d

    ON c.ClientID = d.ClientID

    group by d.SizeAvg,c.ProductName,c.clientID

    drop table #table

    What this does (as briefly explained earlier), get the monthly client totals, then compare each month to the month following it (ignoring any months where the average went down, as you specified), and averages the difference for each client.

    The "common table expression" is just a bit cleaner than repeating the original grouping twice as derived tables.

    NOTE: there are some assumptions in this solution. It assumes that each client has data for all the months of the report period, and that Size goes up at least once month over month for each client. So for example clients 103 (size goes down) and 104 (one month of data only) don't appear in the results list.

    I'll take a quick look at cleaning this up

    UPDATEI edited the above so that now it shows a zero average for clients without two months to compare. I did that fix quick and dirty (just rejoined my summary to the CTE with an outer join to get rows for Clients with no avg), so there is probably a better performing way of accomplishing that. If you wanted it to handle skipped months (june and august for a client, no july), the script still won't do that. It is possible to do it that way, but it makes the query very ugly.

  • Hey Nevyn thank you so much for your help... this works as I expected it.

    Yes, I was thinking about using SSRS... how would you do this in SSRS easier?

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