Sum of a column

  • I need the sum of a column based on an if condition.

    So I want the total number of occurances where the condition is true:

    if (len(A_TowBoat) > 0 and

    len(V_TowBoat) > 0)


    (len(A_TowBoat) = 0 and

    len(V_TowBoat) = 0)

    A_TowBoat and V_TowBoat are columns in my table.

  • Rog Saber (2/17/2011)

    I need the sum of a column based on an if condition.

    So I want the total number of occurances where the condition is true:

    if (len(A_TowBoat) > 0 and

    len(V_TowBoat) > 0)


    (len(A_TowBoat) = 0 and

    len(V_TowBoat) = 0)

    A_TowBoat and V_TowBoat are columns in my table.


    FROM MyUnnamedTable

    WHERE (len(V_TowBoat) > 0 AND len(A_TowBoat) > 0)

    OR (len(V_TowBoat) = 0 AND len(A_TowBoat) = 0)

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  • Hi,

    Sorry ignore this i got the question wrong.

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