Distribution clean up job not working as expected...

  • Hello, I have a server configured for snapshot replication, the Distribution cleanup job is running successfully but I still have 100GB of old bcp files in the snapshot folder from all the snapshot activity. Everything I have done to research this indicates that the 'Distribution clean up: distribution' job is responsible for cleaning up these old files but this does not seem to be happening.

    when I look at history on this job I am seeing:

    Removed 0 replicated transactions consisting of 0 statements in 0 seconds (0 rows/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 21010). The step succeeded.

    I have old snapshot bcp files dating back to march, my max_disretention = 72, my min_disretention = 0.

    size of my snapshot folder is now over 100GB, I would like to reclaim this disk space before I run out.

    sql server agent service account has full control of the snapshot folder, the folder is a local disk on the server, and it is not shared.

    XPCmdShellEnabled = True

    I'm out of ideas, I have no error messages to clue me in on what might be wrong. BOL just assumes everything will work and gives no troubleshooting advice that I can use.

  • Wow all this time and I'm still manually, once a week cleaning out this unc folder path... I now realize the distribution cleanup isnt supposed to cleanup these old files but can find no setting anywhere that makes this happen. Nobody else has seen this issue?? really?...

  • Please check whether the publication working properly without any error. I had same issue, but when checked the dates , the files are created at the error occurred dates, So i have manually cleared no more issues.

  • replication snapshot and distribution jobs are working as expected with no errors.. the "Distribution Cleanup: distribution" job completes successfully in 00:00:01

    all I see in job history is the following every 10 minutes:

    Executed as user: <DOMAIN\distributionagentaccount>. Removed 0 replicated transactions consisting of 0 statements in 0 seconds (0 rows/sec). [SQLSTATE 01000] (Message 21010). The step succeeded.

    so the distribution cleanup job thinks its working but obviously is not. This is simple snapshot replication. I really wish there were something to logically trace back because this is crazy for sql to think its working correctly when it obviously isn't. every lead I have found on this is a situation where the job errors out, and can be traced to root cause. This is not my situation. I have 4 publications and only one of them has this problem, unfortunately its the largest; with the most articles and also is the most important, so I cant be messing around with it without really knowing what the result will be.


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