Proper Case Only If All Caps

  • Hello:

    I have a table with a FirstName and LastName field, about 85% of which were entered into the database in proper case (e.g., John Smith, D'Angelo Martin, Jane LaPierre). The rest of the records were entered in all caps. I have a function built to proper case the fields, but I only want to use the function on the records that are in all caps; I want to leave the ones that are already proper cased alone. Does anyone know if there's a way to determine in T-SQL whether a field is in all caps?

    Thanks! 🙂

  • some great code suggestions

    from a similar thread where someone needed to detect if lower case/upper case character exists:

    this would check if the string is all UPPER:

    DECLARE @string VARCHAR(10)

    SET @string = 'Sarat'



    WHEN @string = upper (@string) COLLATE Latin1_General_CS_AI

    THEN 'All upper case found' ELSE 'Mixed or lower Case found'



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  • Thanks so much! That will be perfect! 😀

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