Seperate Clustered Index that matches Primary Key Index

  • Ok, so I throw together some scripts to track down duplicate indexes.

    I found a few tables with duplicates but when I started investigating I found that in each case there was one primary key unique non-clustered index and then a seperate clustered index on the same primary key column.

    Is there any benefit to doing this or should I assume whatever former Dev/DBA did this was just doing something crazy and toss out the clustered indexes?

    for example there is a table called "tests" with a primary key on the "ID" bigint column.

    If I view indexes on that table I have

    IX_Tests_ID (clustered) - only column is ID

    PK_Tests (unique, non-clustered) - only column is ID


  • I wouldn't toss the Clustered Indexes. If anything you may want to recreate the PKs as Clustered.

    Speculation - The PK was created without a clustered index and then later they discovered performance problems and then created a Clustered Index to help alleviate the problem. Another possibility is that a Clustered index existed first and then they backtracked to add the PK after and could not add a second clustered index.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • Or worse still, they didn't know what they were doing and created all the PKs as non-clustered and then created clustered indexes.

    I go with Jason, drop and re-create the PKs as cluster and drop the extra index.


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  • Kimberly Tripp started great series Spring cleaning your indexes if you want to find out more about indexes cleanup.

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