July 13, 2010 at 1:24 pm
Hi all,
I have to form a query from this input data, the query output should show for every employee
number of accounts handled and no of resolutions provided,
The main problem is identifying the resolution provided as it is based on the last employee who handles that call..
which is determined by the counter attached..
sample code
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[abcd](
[EMP] [nvarchar](5) ,
[order_no] [nvarchar](14) ,
[counter] [int]
INSERT INTO dbo.abcd ( EMP,order_no,counter) VALUES ( 'E1', 'A1', 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.abcd ( EMP,order_no,counter) VALUES ( 'E2', 'A1', 2)
INSERT INTO dbo.abcd ( EMP,order_no,counter) VALUES ( 'E3', 'A1', 3)
INSERT INTO dbo.abcd ( EMP,order_no,counter) VALUES ( 'E1', 'A2', 1)
INSERT INTO dbo.abcd ( EMP,order_no,counter) VALUES ( 'E3', 'A2', 2)
INSERT INTO dbo.abcd ( EMP,order_no,counter) VALUES ( 'E4', 'A2', 3)
select * from abcd
Ouput should be like this:
Emp / No_of_accounts/ resolutioncount
E1 2 0
E2 1 0
E3 2 1
E4 1 1
Any help is appreciated....
Thanks for your help
Thanks [/font]
July 13, 2010 at 1:51 pm
I'm not sure what the last column in your output means.
Also, we are happy to help, but we shouldn't be doing all the work. You should attempt to run a query yourself to group these up. As a hint, you'll use COUNT and GROUP BY empid.
July 13, 2010 at 1:55 pm
thanks for reply,
Actually this last column is only giving me hard time
No of accounts handled can be found by as you say:
select * from abcd
select emp,count(distinct order_no )from abcd
group by emp
order by 2 desc
but now they want me to add one more column in the result showing the employee who took the order LAST, showing that he provided a resolution for the order max(counter), but i am unable to put them all together in one query...
Hope you are clear..
Thanks [/font]
July 13, 2010 at 1:59 pm
What's "last". You don't show an ordering column. Or do you mean the counter column denotes which one is last? Is it the max value?
July 13, 2010 at 2:00 pm
yes the counter column shows you who gave the resolution for that order..
max value, but how do i put them together
Thanks [/font]
July 13, 2010 at 2:03 pm
now this is also number of resolutions given as an emp may handle more than one order...
so I want count for no of max counters handled by that employee..
Thanks [/font]
July 13, 2010 at 2:09 pm
I think you have two queries here. You want a count by employee, but then the last employee based on order. Is that right? Seems like you are pulling together data that doesn't make sense. A count by the employee per order, but the last employee on that same row? Not sure how those relate.
You could use CTEs to pull this data and then join them together. This CTE gets the order_no with the counter value you need for the emp.
WITH ResolutionCTE (order_no, maxorder)
( SELECT order_no, MAX(COUNTER) 'maxorder'
FROM abcd
GROUP BY order_no
You could use another CTE to for the count by employee, then join them together.
July 13, 2010 at 2:27 pm
The requirement is not for find max counter for Order no it is to find max by employee I cannot use this...
;WITH ResolutionCTE (order_no, maxorder)
( SELECT order_no, MAX(COUNTER) 'maxorder'
FROM abcd
GROUP BY order_no
select * from ResolutionCTE
as I cannot join it with other query and get the max counter with result like this
Emp / No_of_accounts/ resolutioncount
E1 2 0
E2 1 0
E3 2 1
E4 1 1
The query should show emp performance
Thanks [/font]
July 13, 2010 at 2:31 pm
I'm saying you need 3 queries, not 2, to join together. One for each requirement, then one to pull them together.
I don't understand what the 0 or 1 are in the last column. It doesn't seem to make sense.
July 13, 2010 at 2:41 pm
The last column shows the number of resolutions given by that employee number...
here the employee who has max(counter) is supposed to have given resolution for an order As in the data showing two orders..
the max counters corresponds to only E3 and E4,
So they will be counted here (hence 1) not other 2 employess (hence 0)
Actually this is a performance for employee check query to see how many orders he handled and how many he resolved, unless the counter stops incrementing for an account the order is not resolved as the counter stops (the last employee has resolved , where counter = max value)
Hope its clear
Thanks [/font]
July 13, 2010 at 3:20 pm
I did it in one way but very complicated one, let me know if any better way is there to do the same
; with empcte
select emp,count(distinct order_no ) as noofOreder from abcd
group by emp
select * into #t1 from empcte
; WITH ResolutionCTE (order_no, maxorder)
SELECT order_no, MAX(COUNTER) 'maxorder'
FROM abcd GROUP BY order_no
select * into #t2 from abcd
where [COUNTER] in(
select maxorder from ResolutionCTE
--------join query after wards
select t.emp,t.noofOreder,
coalesce(count(order_no),0) as CNT from
#t1 t left join #t2 t2
group by t.emp,t.noofOreder
order by 1
Thanks [/font]
July 13, 2010 at 3:20 pm
Is this what you want for the counter?
WITH ResolutionCTE (order_no, cntr)
SELECT order_no, MAX(COUNTER) 'cntr'
FROM abcd
GROUP BY order_no
FROM abcd a
INNER JOIN ResolutionCTE r
ON a.order_no = r.order_no
AND a.COUNTER = r.cntr
GROUP BY a.emp
July 13, 2010 at 3:27 pm
You can use two CTEs in a single statement
July 13, 2010 at 3:51 pm
ok let me try like this but i have a cte inside another CTE that is not shown here, the one you gave me...
Thanks [/font]
July 14, 2010 at 8:39 am
Thanks for your help...
but the query is taking lot of time as I have 500,000+ rows..... and also testing this will be huge task for me.........
Is there any other way to do the same instead to doing in complicated CTEs then doing a left join from 1 CTEs..( I dont really trust left joins, I will have to test it a lot..)
Let me know if there is a better way, until then this is working fine...
Thanks [/font]
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