Actually i was wondering like how to create three sub columns for a main column i.e like Age is the mail column and it has 3 sub columns

  • Select




    When AgeDiff between 0 and 12 then '0-12'

    When AgeDiff between 13 and 18 then '13-18'

    When AgeDiff between 19 and 64 then '19-64'

    When AgeDiff > 64 then '65+'

    end as [Age group],

    Count(members) as [Unique utilizers],









    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 1 Then 'Jan' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 2 Then 'Feb' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 3 Then 'Mar' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 4 Then 'Apr' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 5 Then 'May' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 6 Then 'Jun' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 7 Then 'Jul' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 8 Then 'Aug' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 9 Then 'Sep' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 10 Then 'Oct' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 11 Then 'Nov' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 12 Then 'Dec' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    end as [Month-Year],

    --Convert(varchar(10),Month(PmtDate) ) +'/'+ Convert(varchar(10),Year(PmtDate) ) as [Month/Year],

    --DateDiff( year , TM.DOB, A.FromDate) ,

    DateDiff( year , TM.DOB, A.FromDate) as AgeDiff,

    Count(Distinct TM.MemberID) as Members,

    Sum(A.CUnits) as CUnits,


    Sum(CT.TranUnitsConverted) as UnitsConverted,

    Month(CP.PmtDate) as [Month]


    FcHistory.dbo.tdwClaims A

    Inner Join FcCore.dbo.tCMMembers TM on A.MemberID = TM.MemberID

    Inner Join FCHistory.dbo.tdwclaimTransactions CT on A.ClLineID = CT.ClLineID

    Inner Join FcCore.dbo.tPlans TP on A.PlanID = TP.PlanID

    Inner Join FCHistory.dbo.tdwclaimPayments CP on A.ProviderID = CP.ProviderID


    CP.PmtDate Between '04/01/2010' and '06/30/2010' and


    Group By

    Month(CP.PmtDate),Year(CP.PmtDate),TP.PlanID ,TM.DOB,A.FromDate,TM.MemberID, DateDiff( year , TM.DOB, A.FromDate),


    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 1 Then 'Jan' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 2 Then 'Feb' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 3 Then 'Mar' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 4 Then 'Apr' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 5 Then 'May' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 6 Then 'Jun' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 7 Then 'Jul' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 8 Then 'Aug' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 9 Then 'Sep' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 10 Then 'Oct' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 11 Then 'Nov' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    When Month(CP.PmtDate) = 12 Then 'Dec' + '-' + Convert(varchar(4),Year(CP.PmtDate))

    end ,Month(CP.PmtDate)

    ) A

    group By



    When AgeDiff between 0 and 12 then '0-12'

    When AgeDiff between 13 and 18 then '13-18'

    When AgeDiff between 19 and 64 then '19-64'

    When AgeDiff > 64 then '65+'


    Order by A.[Month],A.[Month-Year],A.[Age Group]

    FcHistory.dbo.tdwClaims A

    FcCore.dbo.tCMMembers TM on A.MemberID = TM.MemberID

    FCHistory.dbo.tdwclaimTransactions CT on A.ClLineID = CT.ClLineID

    FcCore.dbo.tPlans TP on A.PlanID = TP.PlanID

    FCHistory.dbo.tdwclaimPayments CP on A.ProviderID = CP.ProviderID

    These are all the tables that i am using to create a Age Group Column and with three sub columns in it like UniqueUtilizers, CUnits(charged Units) and UnitsConverted( Paid Units) please help me out with the code and actually i am very new to SQL so please forgive me if the question seems to be confusing.



  • not really sure what your question is. Can you pare down your code and add a little more detail to your question?

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  • Actually,

    there is already an ongoing discussion here.


    opening an identical thread just because you don't seem to like the replies you get is not really a professional way...

    As you might notice, even in your new thread you get the same answer like on the other one. Just from a different person...

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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