date type conversion in acces

  • Hello Guys,

    I have mssql 2008 database with DATE as datatype column. I have made an ODBC pointed to mssql 2008(not using sql native client) and a linkedtable in access 2003 (linked is in fact to a view)

    Strange the date coming from mssql appear now in access as TEXT.

    How could avoid this and see the date in access as DATE.

    thanks in advance,


  • Change the field type on Access table.

    If you have both fields set to date type, try to use cast conversion while sending the info to

    the fields.

    For further help you can write me:

    Best Regards,
    Marcos Rosa /

  • Hello,

    I cannot change the date type in access,because it(access) dont allow me. I was thinking about date type supported by access.

    Best Regards,


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