Data from dataset to destination server table

  • Hi !

    I am using the WMI Query to get the server Info and result will be in dataset variable(Object) . and i would like to Insert the result set variable data to MSSQL destination server table. Can some one guide me inserting the data from result set to destination ?? Thanks in advance

  • Steve how good are you with programming?

    I use this function as part of a larger ETL program i wrote; once I have a datatable, i can pass it to this function and it creates a table in the database with the same name.

    essentially i makes a CREATE TABLE... script, does an ExecuteNonQuery with it, and then uses SQLBulkCopy to load the data (zillions of times faster than row by row RBAR)

    'Requires Imports System.Data and Imports System.Data.SqlClient

    Private Sub Datatable_To_SQLTable(ByVal dt As DataTable)

    Static rng As New Random

    Dim seed As Integer = 3

    Dim maxsize As Integer

    'build the potential table

    Dim TableDef As String

    Dim ColDef As String

    If dt.TableName = String.Empty Then dt.TableName = "Table_" & ("0000" & rng.Next(0, 9999).ToString).ToString.Right(4)

    TableDef = "CREATE TABLE [" & dt.TableName & "](" & vbCrLf

    For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows

    For Each col As DataColumn In dt.Columns

    If GetInteger(col.Caption) < GetString(dr(col)).Length + 2 Then

    col.Caption = GetString(dr(col)).Length + 2

    End If



    For Each col As DataColumn In dt.Columns

    ColDef = String.Empty

    Select Case col.DataType.ToString

    Case "System.Decimal", "System.Double"

    ColDef = "[" & col.ColumnName & "] decimal(19,4) "

    Case "System.DateTime"

    ColDef = "[" & col.ColumnName & "] datetime "

    Case "System.Boolean"

    ColDef = "[" & col.ColumnName & "] bit "

    Case "System.Int32", "System.Byte"

    ColDef = "[" & col.ColumnName & "] integer "

    Case Else '"System.String"

    If GetInteger(col.Caption) > 1000 Then

    ColDef = "[" & col.ColumnName & "] varchar(max) "

    ElseIf GetInteger(col.Caption) = 0 Then

    ColDef = "[" & col.ColumnName & "] varchar(30) "


    ColDef = "[" & col.ColumnName & "] varchar(" & GetInteger(col.Caption) & ") "

    End If

    End Select


    If col.AutoIncrement = True Then

    ColDef = ColDef & "IDENTITY(" & col.AutoIncrementSeed & "," & col.AutoIncrementStep & ") "

    End If

    'null/not null

    If col.AllowDBNull Then

    ColDef = ColDef & " NULL"


    ColDef = ColDef & " NOT NULL"

    End If


    If col.Unique Then

    ColDef = ColDef & " UNIQUE "

    End If

    'default value

    If Not (col.DefaultValue Is System.DBNull.Value) Then

    ColDef = ColDef & " DEFAULT " & col.DefaultValue.ToString & " "

    End If

    ColDef = ColDef & "," & vbCrLf

    TableDef = TableDef & ColDef



    'any additional columns, including PK, timestamps, must be at the end of the table. first X cols in dt must match first x cols in SQL table.

    TableDef = TableDef & "[CreatedDate] datetime default getdate()" & vbCrLf

    TableDef = TableDef & ")" & vbCrLf

    'create the table


    SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Me.ConnectionString, CommandType.Text, TableDef)

    If SqlHelper.ErrorMessages.Count > 0 Then

    For Each m As String In SqlHelper.ErrorMessages




    'no errors

    'now use SQLBulk Copy to get the data into the server, instead of RBAR:

    'note my connection string is based on String.Repalce of this:

    'Private Const SqlConnectionFormat As String = "data source={0};initial catalog={1};user id={2};password={3};Trusted_Connection=False;Application Name=MyApplicationName.exe;"

    'Private Const SqlTrustedConnectionFormat As String = "data source={0};initial catalog={1};Trusted_Connection=True;Application Name=MyApplicationName.exe;"

    Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(Me.ConnectionString)


    Using myBulkCopy As New SqlBulkCopy(myConn)

    myBulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "[" & dt.TableName & "]"


    End Using

    End If

    End Sub


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • RamSteve, please post the code you have so far so we can better assist.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • This the WMI Query i was using

    SELECT Caption, CSDVersion, CSName, Version FROM Win32_OperatingSystem

    and i was following the document as below and now its working fine

    Is there any WMI Query where i can get IPAddress ,OS_Version,Domain for the servers ?

    Thanks in advance

  • You can get IP address from a DNS lookup on the server name...if you need the whole set of IPs bound to all network adapters on the server then you'll need to dig into WMI a bit more. Posting to a WMI forum (MSDN has one) may get you farther down the path with that...same with domain and OS version *.

    * Re: OS version, if you want to move that into the code that will check things within the SQL instance (after determining which instances are on the server and you are able to connect to them) you can find the OS version with this T-SQL code:

    DECLARE @on_loc INT

    SET @on_loc = CHARINDEX(' on ', @@version) + 4 ;

    SELECT SUBSTRING(@@VERSION, @on_loc, 100)

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I just ran across this article and thought it might be of use if you have not arrived at a solution yet. The author is solving a portion of your problem case in his example. PowerShell makes dealing with WMI much easier these days:

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • Hi !

    Can some one guide me how to implement power shell scripts using the SSIS development ,as i need to run on all my present servers(around 300) to get IP address,OS_Version,Domain name,SQL instances, TCP ports numbers ,databases

  • RamSteve (4/14/2011)

    Hi !

    Can some one guide me how to implement power shell scripts using the SSIS development ,as i need to run on all my present servers(around 300) to get IP address,OS_Version,Domain name,SQL instances, TCP ports numbers ,databases

    You mean calling a PowerShell script from an SSIS package? Use the "Execute Process Task" in SSIS.

    WMI is standard equipment on all Windows servers and can be invoked remotely, i.e. you should only need PowerShell and SSIS installed and configured on one machine. From there you can run the same WMI query against all machines needed on your network provided the user running the job has sufficient privileges.

    Here is an article to ramp you up on WMI's remote capabilities:

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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