SQL Select part of string!

  • Hi,

    I have a string :

    "UPDATE Persons

    SET Address='xxx', City='yyy'

    WHERE xxxID='Test' AND ColumnName2='Test1'".

    And I want to extract these words in bold. So, how can I do this in a general way, so it will take everytime these words, in every different query with different parameters? (extract exactly from the "WHERE Statement").

    I am more focused on extracting the ID from each UPDATE action that has been taken??

    Thank you!

  • what you want to do is wrap this up into a stored procedure, and use parameters;

    here's an example of the code, and then how to call it: note the procedure has 4 parameters to it.

    CREATE PROCEDURE pr_UpdatePersons

    (@Address varchar(100),

    @City varchar(100),

    @ID varchar(30),

    @Column2 varchar(30)



    BEGIN --Begin code

    UPDATE Persons

    SET [Address] = @Address,

    City = @City

    WHERE xxxID =@ID

    AND ColumnName2 =@Column2

    END --PROC

    if you were doing this in TSQL, you can use other variables, or hardcode the values:

    --assuming all 4 params in the correct order

    EXEC pr_UpdatePersons '10501 SW 123 Ave','Miami','42','District 17'


    EXEC pr_UpdatePersons @Address='10501 SW 123 Ave',@City='Miami',@ID='42',@Column2='District 17'


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  • I want to select the values mentioned up from the string and here I have an example:

    row_id=case when statement like '%UPDATE%'

    then Left(SubString(statement, PatIndex('%[0-9]%', statement), 8000), PatIndex('%[^%[^0-9]%', SubString(statement, PatIndex('%[0-9]%', statement), 8000) + 'X')-1)

    else QUOTENAME('Unknown')

    But this doesn't work since if I have a string for example:

    UPDATE Table1

    SET xxx = 2021,ModifiedDate = GETDATE()

    WHERE xID = 14

    It takes number 2021, and how to make it take the NUMBER from the where statement "14", since I want to select the ID number only.

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