Query Help

  • HI,

    I need help writing a query. Where in a table ABC....

    there is code column codes (ab, bc, cd, de, etc), and there is status column with values(open, close)

    I need to get the count of codes(bc, cd, de) where the codes(ab) status(close)

    Table abc

    ID codes status

    1 ab cls

    2 bc cls

    3 cd cls

    4 de cls

    5 bc cls

    6 cd cls

    There are multiple codes(ab), but for one case there is only one (ab) and a single case can have multiple records of (bc, cd, de) so here I want to count the multiple codes (bc, cd, de) for a case in which the code(ab) has status (cls)...Hope I Made it understandable....

    Thanks in Advance

  • Please proved clearer "Desired Output" ; it is very hard to arrive at what you want for your post,mate...

  • ssc_san (6/23/2010)


    I need to get the count of codes(bc, cd, de) where the codes(ab) status(close)


    That query does exactly what you have asked for:

    SELECT codes, count(*)


    WHERE codes in ('bc', 'cd', 'de')

    and codes = 'ab' and status and status = 'cls'

    Surprised in no results? Please ask your question properly, provide create table script, some sample data insert script and clearly show expected results. Otherwise, it will be hard to help you.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • Do you have the column for CaseID...? Please specify your requirement... Assuming you have column for caseID I am providing below T-SQL ....

    DECLARE @CaseID int

    set @CaseID = 111

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE (

    id int identity (1,1)

    ,CaseID int

    ,Code char(2) null

    ,Status varchar (10) null


    Insert Into @test-2 select 111,'ab','closed' union all select 111,'ab','Open' union all select 111,'bc',''

    union all select 111,'cd','' union all select 111,'cd',''

    select * From @test-2

    select * from


    select t.code as Code

    from @test-2 t where exists (select * from @test-2 where code = 'ab' and caseid = @caseid and status = 'Closed')

    ) datatable




    FOR code in ([bc],[cd])

    ) pivottable


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