After 2 weeks or so, SQL Server stops responding

  • The only errors in the System Event Log are this:

    Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent GODZILLA-XFDprod-XFDprodPub-XFD-BK-PDC-22 failed. The subscription(s) have been marked inactive and must be reinitialized. NoSync subscriptions will need to be dropped and recreated.

    occurring every minute or so.

    Granted, we really ought to get that fixed (it seems unrelated, but maybe it's the cause?). But does this occurrence, at this frequency, eventually bring SQL Server down to its knees and stop responding to requests initiated by our web app on IIS

    Both are running on Server 2008 R2.

    I also tried to run Mgmt Studio to check for runaway processes, SPIDs, or pool issues, but it wouldn't even got hung up at the Splash Screen.

    The only way to get it back up was to reboot the server.

    Any clues? Much appreciated!!!


  • subcription expires by default. your replication setup script should make it never expire.

    see: if_PostLink('')

    .: SQL Backup Admin Tool[/url] :.

  • Is SQL Server the only application installed on the server or is it sharing resources with other applications? Does the performance degrade at the exact same time, or when some type of common activity occurs like a bi-weekly report, or scheduled job?

    When performance degrades can you open task manager to see if CPU is pegged, or out of memory? Or see what exe is using lots of resources?

    If you can open SSMS and have the dedicated admin connection enabled you might be able to connect and see what SPIDs are doing at that time.

    You might try setting up a remote perfmon trace to collect some data but that will consume some resources so you will want to target key counters.

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