Tunning Performance -where can i get the details

  • I am in need for the clear understanding for the following topics

    were can i get this ,

    All these TERMS are used in Performance monitoring

    - sql server activity

    - waits by category

    - sql connections

    - CPU% total waits

    - sql server memory usage

    - buffer cache size -cache size for sql plans - cache size for object plan

    - sql server cache hit ratios

    - page life expectancy

    - memory grants pending

    - checkpoints & lazy writes

    - log flushes

    Any assist ?

  • Go to run type perfmon there u will get all this counters

  • I want to understand the mentioned topics in details theoretically or with examples , from where can i get ?

  • Google "sql server perfmon description". One of the hits is a presentation by Brent Ozar relating to perfmon - http://www.brentozar.com/archive/2006/12/dba-101-using-perfmon-for-sql-performance-tuning/. If that isn't sufficient then Google again.


  • I'd start with the Books Online. You're listing a large swath of different performance metrics, so there's not going to be a single source for this information except for a book or the Books Online. As far as books go that cover this information, Brent Ozar's SQL Server 2008 Internals and Troubleshooting will cover it. You'll also find a lot of this in Kalen Delaney's SQL Server 2008 Internals. Just in terms of performance tuning, you might try my book.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Hi Grant Fritchey,

    I have read little from ur book.

    with respect

    I think if u give more information about the profiler how to use it in your book will be more appreciated.

    By profiler i mean how many time the procedure , functions etc has been called and wat is the cost of each time it has been called like cpu,reads and write.

    because many of us who are not much experience in performance tuning will like to see this in ur book and even the recommendation of the microsoft tools like dash board and all.

  • samsql (5/4/2010)

    Hi Grant Fritchey,

    I have read little from ur book.

    with respect

    I think if u give more information about the profiler how to use it in your book will be more appreciated.

    By profiler i mean how many time the procedure , functions etc has been called and wat is the cost of each time it has been called like cpu,reads and write.

    because many of us who are not much experience in performance tuning will like to see this in ur book and even the recommendation of the microsoft tools like dash board and all.

    Thanks, it does cover Profiler in one chapter, assuming you're talking about the Query Performance Tuning Distilled book, but there is clearly a lot more that can be covered there. If you're really interested in drilling down on the Profiler, I'd suggest Brad McGehee's book, Mastering SQL Profiler.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

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