Is there a way to get advance warning of upcoming SQL Server login password expirations?

  • Is there a way to get advance warning of upcoming SQL Server 2008 (and 2005) login password expirations?

    Ideally, I want to form a query that I can put in a nightly script that generates an email warning about upcoming password expirations. I can handle the email piece of it, but I need help forming the appropriate query.

    Here is the code for my "test" login (scripted from SQL Server Management Studio on 2005):

    CREATE LOGIN [jps] WITH PASSWORD=N'*************',





    This is as close as I have gotten, but DaysUntilExpiration does not populate:



    loginproperty (name, 'IsExpired') as IsExpired,

    loginproperty (name, 'DaysUntilExpiration') as DaysUntilExpiration,

    loginproperty (name, 'PasswordLastSetTime') as PasswordLastSetTime,

    loginproperty (name, 'HistoryLength') as HistoryLength





    order by


    name IsExpired DaysUntilExpiration PasswordLastSetTime HistoryLength

    ---- --------- ------------------- ----------------------- -------------

    jps 0 NULL 2010-06-22 08:07:40.317 1

    (1 row(s) affected)

    The above query ran on SQL Server 2005. However, DaysUntilExpiration does not populate because it is not a supported feature of 2005. (It does *NOT* error out, it just gets ignored.)

    Any ideas?

    I need to do this for 2008 as well. Does SQL Server 2008 work in a similar fashion?

  • I found some additional information at, but I am not sure how to use it.

    If I am reading correctly, SQL Server will use local policy setting for the maximum password age. On this server, I see that maximum password age is set to 60 days. (Open gpedit.msc, and drill down to Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Account Policies\Password Policy\Maximum password age.)

    Am I looking in the correct location for the value that SQL Server will use?

  • I have the same issue, please let me know if you get a way to solve this problem (SQL 2005)

  • I never found an easy way to do it. I started working on some code to do it, but I got sidetracked on other tasks and never finished it.

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