Dynamic pivot Table with operator PIVOT

  • Hello comunity

    -i have the following script based on my invoice table to return by customer the amount of sails(value) for each month:

    DECLARE @PivotColumnHeaders VARCHAR(MAX)

    SELECT @PivotColumnHeaders =


    @PivotColumnHeaders + ',[' + cast(MONTH(fdata) as varchar) + ']',

    '[' + cast(month(fdata) as varchar)+ ']'


    FROM ft

    where ft.anulado = 0 and year(ft.fdata)=2011 And (ft.tipodoc<>4) and ft.estab = 0

    GROUP BY MONTH(fdata)


    SET @PivotTableSQL = N'

    SELECT *

    FROM (


    (RTRIM(FT.NOME) + '' - nº ''+CAST(ft.no AS VARCHAR)) as [nome],

    cast(month(fdata) as int) as [mes],

    isnull(ft.eivain1+ft.eivain2+ft.eivain3+ft.eivain4+ft.eivain5+ft.eivain6+ft.eivain7+ft.eivain8+ft.eivain9,0) as [Vendas]

    from ft (nolock)

    ) AS PivotData

    PIVOT (


    FOR mes IN (

    ' + @PivotColumnHeaders + '


    ) AS PivotTable



    the result is for exemple :

    nome 1 2

    Albertino Maciel - nº 1 100,00 50,00

    Bernardo Santiago - nº 3 3500,00 1000,00

    i need to return the same result , but for each month by customer, i need another column that represent the sum(quantity) of article , like that:

    nome (customer name) 1 2

    value qtt value qtt

    Albertino Maciel - nº 1 100,00 5 50,00 9

    Bernardo Santiago - nº 3 3500,00 500 1000,00 50

    That it possible ??

    Best regards

    Luis Santos

  • Using PIOVT its not possible to have more than 1 column in output. U need to use old style "Cross Tax" like

    SELECT CustomerName,

    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(fdata) = 1 THEN vendas) AS vendas1,

    SUM(CASE WHEN MONTH(fdata) = 1 THEN Quantity) AS Quantity1,


    from ft

    group by CutomerName

    Here u need to generate the sum() part dynamically.

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