Creating sql server login group for dba tasks

  • Hi all,

    I would like to create a SQL Server login from a domain group for dba purpose.

    For this i create a new SQL Server login with this domain group. I grant sysadmin role to this group.

    When i connected with my domain user (who is a member of this domain group) i can't connect to SQL Server. I receive the next error:

    'Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\USER'.

    I don't what i'am doing wrong.

    Somebody can help me?

    Thanks in advance.

  • did you create SQL authenticated account or a windows account? It needs to be a windows account.

    Post the login error message from the SQL error log with the state value.


  • I create a windows account with a 'DOMAIN\GROUP'.

    The error message is:

    Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\USER'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456).

    I try to connect to SQL Server database with 'DOMAIN\USER' who is a 'DOMAIN\GROUP' membership.

  • hi

    can you post a screenshot of the server logins from management studio


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Perri,

    Server logins folder have the next information:











    where SERVER is the servername who SQL server databas is running.

  • we need the STATE value from that error message.

    Are you a member of this windows group?


  • Yes, the user 'DOMAIN\USER' is member of 'DOMAIN\GROUP' group.

    The messages that i can see in the SQL Server Log are:

    First message:


    Error: 18456, Severity: 14, State: 11.

    Second Message:


    Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\USER'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error. Check for previous errors. [CLIENT: <local machine>]

  • State 11 means 'Valid login but server access failure'

    check in AD that the group and user are allowed to access the server.


  • The DOMAIN\GROUP is DOMAIN admin group.

    The DOMAIN\USER is DOMAIN\GROUP member, and for this DOMAIN\USER is a domain administrator.

    At the same time i add both DOMAIN\GROUP and DOMAIN\USER as member of SERVER\administrators group.

    I already add SERVER\administrators (as BUILTIN\administrator) as windows login in SQL Server but i'm receiving the same error message when i try to connect with my DOMAIN\USER.

    I don't understand this comportament. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I only want to create a SQL Server login with a DOMAIN\GROUP.

    In this form i havent to create a newly login in sql server database when a new DOMAIN\USER have to access to sql server database; it is sufficient with add this DOMAIN\USER as member of DOMAIN\GROUP in AD.

    Somebody can help me? (

    Many thanks in advance.

  • I have to say that SQL Server 2008 is installed on Windows 2008 Server.

    I have test to create a group login in a new Windows 2003 environment (with SQL Server 2008) and i have create a group login (local group login and algo a domain group login) without problem.

    Somebody have te same problem? It would be operative system problem? I have to do adittional action to create a wiindows group in SQL Server installed over Windows 2008 operative system?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • ico-601891 (4/20/2010)

    The DOMAIN\GROUP is DOMAIN admin group.

    The DOMAIN\USER is DOMAIN\GROUP member, and for this DOMAIN\USER is a domain administrator.

    At the same time i add both DOMAIN\GROUP and DOMAIN\USER as member of SERVER\administrators group.

    I already add SERVER\administrators (as BUILTIN\administrator) as windows login in SQL Server but i'm receiving the same error message when i try to connect with my DOMAIN\USER.

    I don't understand this comportament. I don't know what i'm doing wrong. I only want to create a SQL Server login with a DOMAIN\GROUP.

    In this form i havent to create a newly login in sql server database when a new DOMAIN\USER have to access to sql server database; it is sufficient with add this DOMAIN\USER as member of DOMAIN\GROUP in AD.

    Somebody can help me? (

    Many thanks in advance.

    try adding the DOMAIN\GROUP directly into SQL Server as a login and assign permissions!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Perry,

    I already have do this test.

    This is my configuration:

    - DOMAIN\GROUP --> I add this domain group as member of server administrators group.

    - DOMAIN\GROUP --> I add as SQL Server login, with sysdba permission.

    I try connect to SQL Server with my windows user (DOMAIN\USER) who is a DOMAIN\ADMIN GROUP member but the connection failed.

    The only difference that i can see is the operative system (this configuration is running correctly in Windows 2003 but not in Windows 2008).

    I dont understand this comportament. Somebody have the same problem?

    Thanks newly in advance.

  • Can you post the error you're getting? Can you ping the SQL Server? Can you telnet to the port that it's listening on?

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Hi K.Brian,

    The error i'am getting is: "Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\USER'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 18456)".

    I can ping mi SQL Server and I can't telnet to the port that it's listening on (but i can connect via SSMS 2008 to my database).

    However i have to say that all the tests i have comment i have made by connecting first to the server with the remote desktop, ie all test i have made "in the server" (not remotely).

    Repeating the tests from a remote client (without remote desktop) i could get i wanted funtionality.

    But why i can't get this funcionality when (after i'am connecting to server via remote desktop) i try to connect to SQL Server from the same server (ie, not remotely)? As i say in a previous post

    it is possible in a windows 2003, but why in windows 2008 not? There are any windows security restriction?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Hi all,

    I finally found the answer to my last question: once made the changes at the level of SQL Server i had to do a loggoff of my remote session and then newly login and then it works.

    Thank you very much for all.

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