Help in trigger

  • Dear All!

    I need to audit the table1 records when its gets update ,

    Ex: Table1 as table Name and having more than 100 columns

    but My task is to store the data existing value and new updated value,

    But, I have used trigger for update and record the entire row from DELETED table,

    But I want to record the particular column value only which columns is updated ,

    Please lete me know to record the exact column values to store the previous and current values

    not like entire row

  • You could use UNPIVOT to transform the columns into rows for the new and updated rows and select only those where the values don't match.

    If this would have too much of an performance impact, you could store the old a new record using the trigger and perform the selection using a scheduled job.

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  • Use the IF UPDATE() funtion to test for columns that have been updated.

    You can also use the COLUMNS_UPDATED() function which uses a bitmap but could be a little too complicated for your needs.

  • UPDATE() and COLUMNS_UPDATED() will give you a column if it is mentioned in UPDATE (or insert) statement.

    That is, they will give you the column even if UPDATE updates it to the same value, e.g.

    UPDATE MyTable SET MyColumn = MyColumn -- UPDATE(MyColumn) will be true even though we do not change the value

    That method could be very unusefull if your application's UPDATE touches all the columns.

    So, you really need to compare the values in DELETED and INSERTED metatables, pairing it by primary key. They both have the same number of rows when triggered on UPDATE command. Watch out for NULL's.

    Example or trigger body:

    select i.MyPK,

    Field1Old = nullif(d.Field1,i.Field1), Field1New = nullif(i.Field1,d.Field1), -- both populated only if there is a difference

    Field2Old = nullif(d.Field2,i.Field2), Field2New = nullif(i.Field2,d.Field2),


    Field100Old = nullif(d.Field100,i.Field100), Field1New = nullif(i.Field100,d.Field100),

    INTO #diff -- creates temp table

    from INSERTED i

    JOIN DELETED d ON i.MyID = d.MyID -- join by primary key

    -- The result

    select MyPK, Field1Old, Field1New from #diff where isnull(Field1Old,Field1New) is not null

    union all

    select MyPK, Field2Old, Field2New from #diff where isnull(Field2Old,Field2New) is not null


    union all

    select MyPK, Field100Old, Field100New from #diff where isnull(Field100Old,Field100New) is not null

    That should work faster than UNPIVOT.

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  • CELKO (3/6/2011)

    Spend the money on a proper audit tool. It will work better, run faster and keep you out of jail. Seriously. Triggers do not record who sees the data as HIPPA and other laws require.

    Not to solicit any name-dropping but do you have any leads on a proper audit tool?

    What do you think of the [relatively] new Audit object in SQL Server?

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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