non-commutative, currency converted, rebased measure

  • hi

    i'm trying to create a non-commatative measure, one that is a sum of distinct trade IDs, called volume

    so if two people do a trade of 100, then the cube will show


    person a| 100

    person b| 100

    total| 100

    also i am adding a currency conversion, so if the trade is £100...this can be converted into (say) $157

    and as a final challenge/annoyance it has to have the ability to rebase by the trade length...

    so a trade of £100 for ten days...if rebased (using a dimension similar to the currency converter) to two days becomes £20

    at this point, i'd welcome general ideas how to do it

    i have succeeded in doing the first two bits (non-cummatative & ccy conversion) by:-

    1) creating a table at the trade_id level (the main deals table has two entries for buy/sell and consequent pairs of amendments/cancellations)

    2) creating a DealsDistinct measure group and measure, that is a distinct count of the trade IDs in the main table

    3) creating a VolumeTradeID measure that is a sum of the volume on the trade ID table created in (1)

    4) creating a measure DealComponents, a count of the rows in the main table

    5) creating a VolumeTradeIDIntermediate



    associated with Deals Distinct measure group

    6) creating a measure Volume







    [DealsTradeID].[TradeID].levels( 3 )






    associated with deals distinct measure group

    7) running the currency conversion wizard and converting [VolumeTradeID], can provide the MDX...but there's a fair bit

    so it works except for the rebasing...

    but i'm not sure how to progress and it's slow too

    a few questions

    1) would i be right in thinking that measure groups whould be one-for-one with fact tables? or is there some other logic on how many i should have....?

    2) did i really need to create the trade ID level table (it's a pain) ?

    3) how do i do the rebasing...try and tinker with the currency converter wizard MDX?

    4) when i do rebasing, i need "Local" as a rebase day too...i see that using dimension.type CurrencyDestination creates the local entry in the currency...will i have to treat my rebase dimension as a currency maybe

    appreciate this is tricky....that's why i'm stuck


  • bump


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