Why it doesnt work??

  • Hi! I can´t understand why it doesnt work!.

    select count (codaux) from

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi)


    (select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi)

    i get:

    'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'except'.'

    thanks in advance.

  • select count (codaux) from

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi


    select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi)

    Do you understand?

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  • skcadavre (1/21/2011)

    select count (codaux) from

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi


    select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi)

    Do you understand?


    Since i am getting a sintax error i thought that no other info was needed.

    But if it´s needed i will provide it.

    I have to tables in diferent databases.

    The tables are identical to each other.

    The tables are:

    - aqua.softland.cwtauxi

    - 0718.softland.cwtauxi

    I need to retrieve the resulting amount of rows from the query;

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi


    select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi)

    The above query does exactly what i need.

    So then i started looking information to acomplish what i want.

    And i found this:


    And got:

    select count (codaux) from

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi


    select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi)

    But it doesnt work.

    Maybe i got wrong the info.

    thanks ind advance.


    I got the info wrong the above query is for firebird.

    My bad.

  • Just assign an alias to your nested query expression and it will be OK

    select count (*) from

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi


    select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi) as x


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  • ALZDBA (1/21/2011)

    Just assign an alias to your nested query expression and it will be OK

    select count (*) from

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi


    select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi) as x

    thanks it worked.!

    Now,..can you explain why do you hace to use 'as'?

  • igngua (1/21/2011)

    ALZDBA (1/21/2011)

    Just assign an alias to your nested query expression and it will be OK

    select count (*) from

    (select codaux,nomaux from aqua.softland.cwtauxi


    select codaux,nomaux from 0718.softland.cwtauxi) as x

    thanks it worked.!

    Now,..can you explain why do you hace to use 'as'?

    The keyword 'as' is optional. You can assign the alias without 'as'. Some would consider using it being more descriptive, others don't. I think the most important part is to be consistent within the code.

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  • Lutz covered it perfectly :w00t:

    Further info can be found in books online topic "Using Table Aliases"


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  • Perhaps the OP meant why an alias is required ?

  • books online topic "FROM (Transact-SQL) " states

    [ FROM { <table_source> } [ ,...n ] ]

    <table_source> ::=


    table_or_view_name [ [ AS ] table_alias ] [ <tablesample_clause> ]

    [ WITH ( < table_hint > [ [ , ]...n ] ) ]

    | rowset_function [ [ AS ] table_alias ]

    [ ( bulk_column_alias [ ,...n ] ) ]

    | user_defined_function [ [ AS ] table_alias ] [ (column_alias [ ,...n ] ) ]

    | OPENXML <openxml_clause>

    | derived_table [ AS ] table_alias [ ( column_alias [ ,...n ] ) ]

    | <joined_table>

    | <pivoted_table>

    | <unpivoted_table>

    | @variable [ [ AS ] table_alias ]

    | @variable.function_call ( expression [ ,...n ] ) [ [ AS ] table_alias ] [ (column_alias [ ,...n ] ) ]


    so the alias is mandatory for a derived table.


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  • That clears it all!


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