Laptop suggestions with VS2008 in mind?

  • Do any of you have suggestions on a good laptop spec with Visual Studio in mind? I've been completely out of the loop since I have used a work assigned laptop the last few years! I notice that most of the newer laptops have more of a widescreen than I'm used to. Do these wider screens work well with VS or do those of you with laptops go for more of a traditional size screen? Are the 15.6" screens big enough for you developers out there or do you wish you had bigger screen?

    I'm a consultant and so a laptop is the only option since it will need to be mobile. I need to get one ASAP so any help would be highly appreciated.

    I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong section.

  • cost wasnt mentioned

    as a developer i always fine more screen space for the apps and explorers and the tool boxes

  • Personally, I prefer more real-estate on screen. Multiple monitors helps with that too.

    Essential is plenty of memory and fast disks.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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  • As an FYI, i bought a recent Win7 HP laptop with 19" wide screen and full keyboard.

    While i love the OS and layout, I get more Blue Screens Of Death with this machine than i did with my last Windows 98 machine;

    I've also replaced the hard drive in it twice and reinstalled the OS, to no avail. It's definitely a hardware issue.

    could be just my one laptop, but in the future I'll skip HP laptops; my kids both have Toshiba's and they are fine, and my last Dell laptop was flawless.


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