Finding Multiple ProductCodes

  • Hi all:

    I recieve a flat file from our company that list customer orders. I am using SSIS to import the Orders into SQL Server. Each record has a unique BusinessKey. If a customer has more than one order they are listed multipe times one for each order.

    I need to list all of the ProductCodes for a customer in one record. eg

    Turn this


    '123456789','Jones,Tammy','789456','TJ1234', '04/15/2010','CAZN'

    '123456789','Jones,Tammy','789456','TJ1234', '04/15/2010', 'CATO'

    Into this

    '123456789','Jones,Tammy','789456','TJ1234','04/15/2010','P550', 'CAZN', 'CATO'

    At the end of this process this is sent to a flat file to be consumed by another legacy system.

    What is the best way to update a customer so that all of the orders are in one record?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Here are my test tables and data

    --Create test table

    IF OBJECT_ID('OrdersTest') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE OrdersTest


    CREATE TABLE OrdersTest


    BusinessKey NVARCHAR(9)

    ,Name NVARCHAR (30)

    ,OrderNo NVARCHAR(6)

    ,Account NVARCHAR(7)

    ,OrderDate DATETIME

    ,ProductCode NVARCHAR(9)


    --Create test data

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('123456789','Jones,Tammy','789456','TJ1234','04/15/2010','P550')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('123456789','Jones,Tammy','789456','TJ1234', '04/15/2010','CAZN')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('123456789','Jones,Tammy','789456','TJ1234', '04/15/2010', 'CATO')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('234567889','Davis,Miles','321654','MD9876','04/15/2010', 'P8786')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('651421889','Coltrane,John','258852','JC5689','04/15/2010','P9780')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('967852421','McCartney,Paul','589865','PM8989', '04/15/2010','P8759')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('897655382','John,Elton','659875','EJ548','04/15/2010','P878')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('345548897','Basie,William','588796','CB2165','04/15/2010','P880')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('345548897','Basie,William','588796','CB2165','04/15/2010','CMAP')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('345548897','Basie,William','588796','CB2165','04/15/2010','CBCC')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('545567889','Jordan,Duke','432567','DJ699','04/15/2010','P750')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('769854523','Dorsey,Tommy','123456','TD7589','04/15/2010','P880')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('769854523','Dorsey,Tommy','123456','TD7589','04/15/2010','CZOP')

    INSERT INTO OrdersTest VALUES ('769854523','Dorsey,Tommy','123456','TD7589','04/15/2010','CMET')

    --Return all records

    SELECT * FROM OrdersTest


    Select Customers with more than one (1) productcode


    SELECT BusinessKey, COUNT(*) MoreThan1Product

    FROM OrdersTest

    GROUP BY BusinessKey

    HAVING COUNT(BusinessKey) > 1

    -- Table for customers with MultipleProductCodes

    CREATE TABLE CustomerWithMultipleProducts


    BusinessKey NVARCHAR(9)

    ,Name NVARCHAR (30)

    ,OrderNo NVARCHAR(6)

    ,Account NVARCHAR(7)

    ,OrderDate DATETIME

    ,ProductCode1 NVARCHAR(9)

    ,ProductCode2 NVARCHAR(9)

    ,ProductCode3 NVARCHAR(9)

    ,ProductCode4 NVARCHAR(9)

    ,ProductCode5 NVARCHAR(9)

    ,ProductCode6 NVARCHAR(9)

    ,ProductCode7 NVARCHAR(9)

    ,ProductCode8 NVARCHAR(9)


    --DROP TABLE OrdersTest

    --DROP TABLE CustomerWithMultipleProducts

  • Is there any purpose for this process other than building a comma delimited flat file for another system?

    └> bt

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  • Give this code a test spin:







    ', ' + ot1.ProductCode


    dbo.OrdersTest ot1


    ot1.OrderNo = ot.OrderNo

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 2, '') as ProductCodes


    dbo.OrdersTest ot

  • If the data need to be stored in the intermediate table in separate columns I'd use the CrossTab approach as described in the related link in my signature.

    But if the purpose is to build a csv for export to a flat file I'd use Lynn's solution.

    CrossTab solution:

    ;WITH cte AS



    BusinessKey ,Name ,OrderNo,Account ,OrderDate ,ProductCode,


    FROM OrdersTest



    BusinessKey ,Name ,OrderNo,Account ,OrderDate ,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=1 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode1,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=2 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode2,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=3 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode3,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=4 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode4,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=5 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode5,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=6 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode6,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=7 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode7,

    MAX( CASE WHEN ROW=8 THEN ProductCode ELSE '' END ) AS ProductCode8

    FROM cte

    GROUP BY BusinessKey ,Name ,OrderNo,Account ,OrderDate

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • My concern with the intermediate table, what happens the first time a customer orders more than 8 products? If you only have 8 products, what happens when you add a 9th or 10th?

  • Lynn Pettis (4/15/2010)

    My concern with the intermediate table, what happens the first time a customer orders more than 8 products? If you only have 8 products, what happens when you add a 9th or 10th?

    That's what I was thinking too and I was hoping that a comma delimited list was all that was needed. Seems even if the data is needed in the SQL Server for something else it can be left there and used there in its non-compacted form and the XML PATH process would be just for building the file to load the other system.

    └> bt

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • If there is the need to store more than 8 products, I'd question the purpose of CustomerWithMultipleProducts, too.

    In that case I'd most probably use that table to store the unique information only (would be a lot closer to normalization anyway...) and query the multiple products from OrdersTest if needed, either with FOR XML PATH or DynamicCrossTab.

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

    How to get fast answers to your question[/url]
    How to post performance related questions[/url]
    Links for Tally Table [/url] , Cross Tabs [/url] and Dynamic Cross Tabs [/url], Delimited Split Function[/url]

  • The flat file's only purpose is consumption by the legacy system. I am performing other processing in SQL Server that I did not list. Such as calculating Order totals, spliting the names into first and last, setting bits based on the product code mix for shipping methods etc.

    Thanks for your reply!

  • Lynn, thanks for the response I like your approach. Thanks for the links to the articles. In my situation I think I will you the CTE approach presented by Lutz. There is additionally processing that has to be done once all of the codes are in one row.

    Thanks again.

  • Lutz, thanks for your reply. I think your approach will work best for my situation. I need the Product codes in separate columns to do some additional processing for comsumption by a web service also. I do understand your concerns about the additional prodcut codes(There are actually 14 I have to account for now) but given the constraints I have to work with this is the best approach for now.

    Thanks for your reply

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