Attach resource database

  • Hi all,

    Does anybody know how to attach resource database on SQL SERVER 2008?

    I tried on the same way like in SQL SERVER 2005 but that doesn't work on anymore.

    I think on sigle user (add startup parameter -m) and normal attach (I got massage that I can't attach resource database?)

    I also tried to change name with hexa editor but that also didn't help.


  • AFAIK, resource database is a read only database containing system objects that cannot be attached and used as a user database. Never tried attaching it though..

    Pradeep Singh

  • What are you trying to do? You should not need to touch this database in SQL2008, and certainly don't rename it.


  • Of course that I don't touch orginal resource DB 🙂

    Right now it is not important what I am trying to do.

  • kladibeeto (4/7/2010)

    Of course that I don't touch orginal resource DB 🙂

    Right now it is not important what I am trying to do.

    sounds top secret. I'll leave you to it.


  • Sorry, don't be angry to me.

    I am preparing course and I wan't to be sure that Microsoft didn't change one thing in SQL SERVER 2008.

    That is the reason why I need to see resource db like I see it in SQL 2005.

  • I'm not angry. Just difficult to give correct information if I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve and you won't tell me.

    Have you tried copying resource files somewhere else, renaming them and attaching as a user database?.

    Not that I advocate this as a good thing to do.

    can you use sp_help, sp_helptext, information_schema to check out changes without going to these lengths?


  • I understand you.

    Yes I tried to rename db, I also tried to rename it with hexa editor.

    It seems that Microsoft put some flag and that is the solution how they know that this is resource db.

  • they have gone to great lenghts to protect it, basically they don't want people touching it, which is fair enough.


  • Unfortunely I must agree with you 🙁

  • george sibbald (4/7/2010)

    they have gone to great lenghts to protect it, basically they don't want people touching it, which is fair enough.

    I agree with George here. This is one of those things that one should not touch.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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