FILESTREAM can NOT be enabled

  • I installed a named instance of SQL 2008 on my machine "running XP SP3", it originally has SQL 2005. I tried to enable FILESTREAM from the configuration manger. Also I configured the instance for a value of 2 for the file stream access level and then reconfigured.

    I restarted the service, now when returning back to the CM I find that file stream is not enabled, when enabling it for T-SQL I get: "A previous FILESTREAM configuration attempt was incomplete. FILESTREAM may be in an inconsistent state until reconfigured".

    Now, the configured value for filestream access level is 2, however, the running is 0.

    I tried many times to enable it from the CM but in vain, any clue please.


  • Nawar.Tabaa (3/16/2010)

    I installed a named instance of SQL 2008 on my machine "running XP SP3", it originally has SQL 2005. I tried to enable FILESTREAM from the configuration manger. Also I configured the instance for a value of 2 for the file stream access level and then reconfigured.

    I restarted the service, now when returning back to the CM I find that file stream is not enabled, when enabling it for T-SQL I get: "A previous FILESTREAM configuration attempt was incomplete. FILESTREAM may be in an inconsistent state until reconfigured".

    Now, the configured value for filestream access level is 2, however, the running is 0.

    I tried many times to enable it from the CM but in vain, any clue please.


    I have covered manual Filestream enabling in the thread below because only steps in Configuration Manager is needed to manually enable Filestream.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • Thanks Gift for your reply.

    I read your post and tried to enable the three options, however, file stream couln't be enabled. When clicking the Ok button the Properties dialog is not closed until I hit Cancel. When returning back none is enabled.

    Your help please.

    By the way, the referred to post OS is Windows 7 while mine is XP.


  • Nawar,

    Can you confirm that you have followed all the steps exactly as shown in Books Online:


  • Confirmed.


  • Nawar.Tabaa (3/17/2010)

    Confirmed. Thanks

    Confirmed...but is it working now? If not, these are the steps I followed on 2008, XP SP3:

    Enable filestream from SSMS (right-click server in object explorer, properties, advanced, set filestream to the desired level).

    Go to Configuration Manager, right-click the service, enable filestream there.

    Restart SQL Server.

  • I did it exactly. Moreover, I repaired the installation and re enabled the configuration but still in vain. Any help please

  • Nawar.Tabaa (3/17/2010)

    I did it exactly. Moreover, I repaired the installation and re enabled the configuration but still in vain. Any help please

    Well, I can only tell you what just worked for me, on my copy of 2008, running on XP SP3.

    No more ideas for the moment.

  • Has any one tried it on a named instance with a default one of 2005?


  • Nawar.Tabaa (3/18/2010)

    Has any one tried it on a named instance with a default one of 2005?

    I have a named instance of 2008 and a default instance of 2005 installed.

  • Nawar.Tabaa (3/18/2010)

    Has any one tried it on a named instance with a default one of 2005?


    I have the same in both XP and Window 7 but my Windows 7 Filestream was enabled during installation or the installer will not allow the install.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • I've just experienced a problem with enabling Filestream for SS 2008 and I eventually removed the SS2000, 2005 and re-installed 2008 (I wasn't using the other versions anyway).

    In my situation it stated that I needed SS 2008 (which it was) or I was running in WoW and so needed the 64-bit version (which it isn't).

    I later found this link:

    although it seems to refer to Release candidate 0, so you would like to think it was no longer a problem.

    The other option appears to be specifying it when actually installing 2008.


  • Really thanks Brain, a solution is detailed in the link.

    Finally solved, many thanks

  • A happy ending - nice 😉

  • I just experienced the same issue with SQL Express 2012, and was able to fix with the same vbs script (direct link) except making the adjustment as mentioned by 'braveson' in the comments here:

    "If you are using SQL Server 2012, then edit file filestream_enable.vbs. Locate string

    \root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement10:FilestreamSettings and replace with


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