SSMA for Sybase - sysqueryplans table

  • I am using SQL Server Migration Assistant for Sybase to migrate a few small Sybase db's into SQL Server 2008. (working fine so far)

    There is a Sybase VIEW called sysquerymetrics which sources it's data from Sybase's sysqueryplans.

    What is the equivalent table in SQL Server 2008 to house abstract query plan info -- found in Sybase's sysqueryplans?


    Sybase - Query metrics are captured in the default running group (the running group with a group id (gid) of 1) in the sysquerymetrics view. Note that the sysquerymetrics view contains a self join & decoding of the sysqueryplans table, which contains abstract query plan information (among other things).

    SSMA for Sybase is not migrating this table to SQL.

  • MS SQL Server query plan information is documented in Books OnLine under "Database Engine", "Technical Reference", "Transact-SQL Reference", "System Views" and finally "Execution Related Dynamic Management Views and Functions". You will need to join the views to get a consolidated view of query plan resource usage, such as the below SQL that reports the top 50 stored procedures by resources used:

    ;Withexec_query_stats as

    (selectRANK() OVER ( ORDER BY

    CAST(dm_exec_query_stats.total_logical_reads + dm_exec_query_stats.total_logical_writes as numeric(38,0) )

    / dm_exec_query_stats.execution_count DESC

    ) AS ResourceRank















    wheretotal_logical_reads > 1000



    ,DB_NAME(dm_exec_query_plan.dbid) as DatabaseName

    ,OBJECT_NAME ( dm_exec_query_plan.objectid, dm_exec_query_plan.dbid) as ProcedureName
















    sys.dm_exec_query_plan ( exec_query_stats.plan_handle )

    whereResourceRank <= 50

    order by ResourceRank asc

    SQL = Scarcely Qualifies as a Language

  • Hi,

    Have created the view in SQL server side

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