Query Help

  • Table Orders

    TeamId OrderDate Value


    A1 2010-11-05 1200.00

    A2 2010-11-05 1000.00

    A1 2010-11-07 700.00

    A1 2010-11-10 5000.00

    A2 2010-11-09 1100.00

    I need to write a wuery which can give the result:

    TeamId OrderDate Value


    A1 2010-11-10 5000.00

    A2 2010-11-09 1100.00

    (I mean TeamId wise the latest order)

  • I need to write a wuery which can give the result:

    TeamId OrderDate Value


    A1 2010-11-10 5000.00

    A2 2010-11-09 1100.00

    (I mean TeamId wise the latest order)

    SELECT DISTINCT TeamId, OrderDate, Value from yourtable

    ORDER by OrderDate DESC

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • No No. I just need one record per Team Id. The one with latest Orderdate. Consider there are lots of Teams with hundrds of OrderDates.

  • sql_butterfly (1/12/2011)

    No No. I just need one record per Team Id. The one with latest Orderdate. Consider there are lots of Teams with hundrds of OrderDates.

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

  • Your message doesnot shows anything....

  • Try this article


    Clear Sky SQL
    My Blog[/url]

  • please post insert scripts in future.

    try this

    select a.TeamID, a.OD OrderDate, b.value


    (select TeamID, max(OrderDate) OD

    from yourtable

    group by TeamID) a

    join yourtable b

    on a.TeamID=b.TeamID

    and a.OrderDate=b.OD

  • Great. Thanks, that helped.

  • Pleasure,

    If your table is rather large, I would insert the subquery in a temp table.

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