Excel File Creation In SSIS Package

  • Hi....


    I have to export data from sql table to Excel on certain condition so every time a new excel file must be created , i m new to ssis creation please anybody help me

    thanks in advance

  • Define a Excel Connection Manager with sample output file. Use script task to dynamically generate the Connection String and store it in a string variable. In the properties of excel connection manager choose expression and set the variable to ConnectionString property.

    Then use an Execute sql task with ConnectionType as "EXCEL" and point out the excel conection manager as it connection. In the SQL statement provide the create table script.

    Whenever the package runs, the dynamically generated connection string will be set to the excel connection manager and when the Execute SQL task fires the "create table" script against this connection a new file will be created.



  • Thanks for reply

    But whenever i m trying to add value to connection string property of expression of Excel connection manager i m getting this error

    Error at DataImportExcel [Connection manager "Excel Connection Manager"]: The connection string format is not valid. It must consist of one or more components of the form X=Y, separated by semicolons. This error occurs when a connection string with zero components is set on database connection manager.

    plz if any sample for this or any site suggestion............

  • The error says that the connection string is not well formed...

    Try to set the variable value as follows in script component:

    'For xls:

    Dts.Variables("strConnectionString").Value = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:\sample.xls;Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=YES"";"

    'For xlsx:

    Dts.Variables("strConnectionString").Value = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=D:\sample.xlsx;Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0;HDR=YES"";"

    Set this variable strConnectionString in the ConectionString expression of Excel file connection manager and check

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