Aggregate of aggregates

  • I have a matrix that calculates averages but I need to add a total of the averages at the end of the matrix. Now if I use =sum(avg(FieldName!.Value), it does not work since SSRS does not support aggregate of aggregate. Please help how can I sum the averages. My matrix looks like below

    Type Amount

    A 100 --- This is an average

    B 55 --- This is an average

    Total xxx

    I need the sum of the average balance where the xxxx is.

  • You need to bring back the raw values and then let SSRS average then by your selected groups.

  • Thank you for your reply. I am bringing in the raw value and calculating the average of those raw value in the matrix by group. So i am using avg function within the group. The problem is i need the total of those averages at the bottom of the matrix. I tried using sum(avg(fields)) but SSRS does not support such aggregation. I need to know if there is a user defined function or some other work around. Thank you.

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