• I have a bunch of UDFs in Oracle10g. I wanna use them from SQL Server.

    Since i have my Oracle linked to SQL Server.

    I write the query as

    SELECT *

    FROM OPENQUERY(OracleSvr, 'SELECT name, MY_USER_DEFINEd_FUNCTION('234567') FROM joe.titles')

    Where 234567 is my account id which is i/p paramaeter for my UDF.

    Cool. .. It works fine and i get the result.

    BUT WHEN I TRY TO USE A VARIABLE IN PLACE OF actual accoutn number.

    since my column name is 'acctid'

    When i substitute '234567' with '@acctid'

    🙁 I get an error 🙁

    The error simple says that this open query cannot be run blah blah

    Please help

    Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday:-)

  • if I understand what you are asking, I don't think openquery can use variables. In the past I have had to build out the statements dynamically.

    DECLARE @QryString as nVarchar(MAX)

    SET @QryString = 'SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(OracleSvr, ''SELECT name, MY_USER_DEFINEd_FUNCTION(''' + @acctid + ''') FROM joe.titles'')'

    EXEC sp_executesql @QryString

    I may have screwed up a quote or two.. sorry if the formatting is off, first post...

  • I've had to do it the same way the previous poster described.

    You might need to convert(nvarchar,@acctid).

    You can also make it work using the @params option for sp_executesql.

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