insert data into SQL tables on different servers

  • I have four fields in a table (this table gets reimported when a new item has to be added to tables). Only one field gets populated with data to be added to tables at a time but there are four fields and any one of them can be populated each time e.g.

    1st import

    field1 = null

    field2 = data

    field3 = null

    field4 = null

    second import





    Depending on which field is populated, I must add this data to tables but on different servers.

    For example, if field1 has data then must populate tables on Server1/database1 with this data, if field2 has data then must populate data on Server2/database2 tables.

    I have a case statement to look for data:

    case when Len(field1)>0 then 'C'

    when Len(field1)>0 then 'D'

    -- would then like insert if 'C' then insert into server1.database1.table etc. Also, I have to insert data into more than one table and so have multiple insert statements.

    Is this possible to do in a case statement?



  • each destination table needs a separate insert command... so you'll use a WHERE statement to select/filter what goes to each server, instead of a case statement

    case statement in SQL is not a logical operator, it's used only to determine data, it's a more limited version that you use in a programming language.;

    insert into server1.databasename.schemaname.tablename(ColumnList)

    SELECT Columnlist from myTable where col1 is not null

    insert into server2.databasename.dbo.tablename(ColumnList,col2)

    SELECT Columnlist,



    THEN ' C'



    from myTable where col2 is not null


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

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