Returning multiple fields to select from inline table function

  • Hello,

    My task is to show what position someone is in (eg office, job level (ie consultant, manager, snr manager etc), department etc) someone was in at the point that they took their various types of leave between two dates.

    One table contains the leave details ie emp id, leave start date, leave end date, leave type, etc.

    The other table contains the job details ie emp id, position start date, position end date, office, department, etc.

    I have created a table valued function listing the leave details within a period ie:

    SELECT lve.DET_NUMBERA AS [Emp Number], lve.LVE_STARTC AS [Leave Start], lve.LVE_ENDD AS [Leave End], lve.LVE_HOUR_TKNN AS [Hrs taken],lve.LVE_DAY_TAKEN AS [Days taken], lve_desc.TAB_DESCRIPTA AS [Leave Desc], lve_desc.TAB_CODEA AS [Leave Code] (*additional position information as at leave start date)

    FROM Production.dbo.CHTAB lve_desc INNER JOIN Production.dbo.EMLVE lve ON lve_desc.TAB_CODEA = lve.LVE_TYPE_CDA

    WHERE (lve_desc.TAB_NAMEA = 'LVETP') AND (lve.LVE_STARTC <= @EndDate) AND (lve.LVE_ENDD >= @StartDate))

    I have also created another table valued function to get the position details as at a point in time (I have just included the select statement from the tvf below). I want these details in the previous select list but can't seem to return multiple values from the below table valued function:

    SELECT office.GNA_ORG_NAMEA AS 'Office Desc', dept.GNA_ORG_NAMEA AS 'Dept Desc'

    FROM Production.dbo.EMDET AS det INNER JOIN


    Production.dbo.ORGNA AS office ON pos.POS_L2_CDA = office.GNA_ORG_CODEA INNER JOIN

    Production.dbo.ORGNA AS dept ON pos.POS_L3_CDA = dept.GNA_ORG_CODEA INNER JOIN



    FROM Production.dbo.EMPOS AS posmax


    Should I be somehow combining these select statements???

    Let me know if you need further info.


  • Something like this

    select * from dbo.function1

    Cross Apply dbo.function2

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

  • Thank you so much Sachin, worked a treat!

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