adding Column

  • Hi,

    I have one column in my table with name PeriodDescription which is of varchar type.

    The data in the column is of the following format.

    Q1 2009

    Jul – Sep

    Q2 2009

    Oct – Dec

    Q3 2009

    Jan - Mar

    Q4 2009

    Apr - Jun

    Q1 2009

    Jul - Sep

    Q2 2009

    Oct – Dec

    Actually I need to have one more column that has to represent PeriodDescription with our

    that is like this.

    Q1 2009 Jul – Sep

    Q2 2009 Oct – Dec

    Q3 2009 Jan - Mar

    Q4 2009 Apr - Jun

    Q1 2009 Jul - Sep

    Q2 2009 Oct – Dec

    Can anyone please help me to do this.

    Thank you

  • Please edit the following code so that the values exactly match your table:

    IF OBJECT_ID( 'tempdb..#MyTable') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #MyTable

    CREATE TABLE #MyTable (PeriodDescription VARCHAR(20))

    INSERT INTO #MyTable (PeriodDescription)

    SELECT 'Q1 2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Jul – Sep' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Q2 2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct – Dec' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Q3 2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Jan - Mar' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Q4 2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Apr - Jun' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Q1 2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Jul - Sep' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Q2 2009' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Oct – Dec'

    SELECT * FROM #MyTable

    This will help folks understand a) what you've got and b) what to do next.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Do you have a primary key ? if not then it is not a table is is called a heap and makes the query a lot more complex and un-reliable

  • Thank you for your reply.

    I got waht i wanted by using substring.

    Thanks once agin for your reply.

  • cpinky01 (9/10/2010)

    Thank you for your reply.

    I got waht i wanted by using substring.

    Thanks once agin for your reply.

    @steve-2: I don't know about you but I'm totally lost.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • As long as he got what he wants then i am happy (and confused)

    I would like to see the code for the solution though and it may be useful for others if it can be posted.

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