Web FrontEnd

  • When I'm in MS visual studio at the preview tab I have to supply a paremeter in order for the report to run which is ok But I want the users to be able to pick the options. When the type in the URL, I want them to see:

    O Option A

    O Option B

    O Option C

    The report will run base on what they select, how can I do this in SSRS (2005) or is there any information that will point me in the right direction in making this happen.

  • You just want to be able to pick from a list?

    when you set up the parameter, in the middle part of the screen it gives you the ability to type out the values for a drop down list, or retrieve them from a query. Once you have specified the available choices, that is all the users will be allowed to choose.

    Below that it will let you choose the default.

    Is that what you are looking for?


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  • Yes that is pretty much correct, I provide the users an URL it they will have three options to chose from, whichever one thsy pick will produce there report. I trying to see were in SSRS I can do them, right know I have the query in designer to accept a parm as input to run the report. I don't want the users to type in a parm just clink on one of the three links (etc) options.

  • OK so what I'm hearing is that you don't want your users to have to choose a parameter? You can setup a parameter list where they just click a drop down and it runs the report, but if they are different reports, and you're doing your own front end, it can be as simple as an HTML page with links to the appropriate URLS, or as complex as a you want to make it ASP application using the reportviewer control.

    But if you want to keep it within the confines of SSRS itself without a custom front end, just give the parameter 3 options either from a query or type them in by hand and make sure it's set to not allow null values. Then the user will not have to type anything, just choose from a drop down list and away they go.


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