MERGE statement performance

  • Hi

    I have an SP that works on a few thousand rows at a time, and as part of its work, does multiple inserts and updates.

    The Merge statement would seem useful here as an 'upsert' tool, but does it perform better, worse or same as the old 'if exists update else insert' approach?

    I've googled this extensively and found very conflicting answers.



  • I have found from experience that Merge performs better than doing the steps individually,

    from BOL

    By using the MERGE statement, you can replace the individual DML statements with a single statement. This can improve query performance because the operations are performed within a single statement, therefore, minimizing the number of times the data in the source and target tables are processed. However, performance gains depend on having correct indexes, joins, and other considerations in place

    But i guees the best answer would be to try both ways and test

  • Brian McGee-355525 (10/7/2010)


    I have an SP that works on a few thousand rows at a time, and as part of its work, does multiple inserts and updates.

    The Merge statement would seem useful here as an 'upsert' tool, but does it perform better, worse or same as the old 'if exists update else insert' approach?

    I've googled this extensively and found very conflicting answers.



    There's conflicting answers because there are so many factors involved, namely if it can make good use of indexes or not, and the size of the upsert, just to name a few.

    In our use case, we saw some good performance increase from MERGE, but my advice is to write it both ways and see what performs best for you in your use case.

  • Brian McGee-355525 (10/7/2010)

    I have an SP that works on a few thousand rows at a time, and as part of its work, does multiple inserts and updates.

    The Merge statement would seem useful here as an 'upsert' tool, but does it perform better, worse or same as the old 'if exists update else insert' approach?

    I've googled this extensively and found very conflicting answers.

    I agree with previous posts.

    merge statement is supposed to do the very same old logic on the background therefore it is supposed to perform better.

    Having said that, in my experience - depending on particular scenarios - I've seen merge performing both better and worse than manual approach.

    My suggestion is to code a merge version of the code and test it in production or near-production conditions.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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