SQL 2008 Query - not running

  • Hi,

    This query is running fine with sql server 2000 version, but SQL 2008 data was retrive, please tell me what is the reason?

    select distinct(d.MAC_address) as MAC, d.hostname, c.username,

    substring(d.login_name,0,charindex('\',d.login_name)) as dom,

    d.pc_make, d.pc_model, d.ip_address,


    len(d.login_name)) as login_id, d.os_name, d.service_pack, d.ram,

    convert(varchar(19),d.system_uptime, 100) as system_time,

    convert(varchar(19),d.modified_on, 100) as modified,

    c.device_name as location, c.port as vlan

    from (desktop_other_d o left join desktop_info d

    on o.mac_address = d.mac_address ) left join cisco_master c

    on d.mac_address = c.mac_address

    where d.MAC_address+d.hostname not in

    (select MAC_address+hostname from desktop_exclusion

    where excl_type like 'USB') and o.type = 'STORAGE'

    and o.status != '00000001' and d.MAC_address != ''

    and (isnull(device_name, '') not like '%SEZStore%'

    and isnull(device_name, '') not like '%DTAStore%')

    order by d.mac_address, d.hostname

    Thanks for you help


  • whats the error you getting?


  • it might be because of schema/definition discrepancy.i ran you script on my system it doesn't show any issue/error related to sql 2008

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

  • Maybe after the FROM (...) a table name is required


    distinct(d.MAC_address) as MAC,

    d.hostname, c.username,

    substring(d.login_name,0,charindex('\',d.login_name)) as dom,

    d.pc_make, d.pc_model, d.ip_address,

    substring(d.login_name,charindex('\',d.login_name)+1, len(d.login_name)) as login_id,

    d.os_name, d.service_pack, d.ram,

    convert(varchar(19),d.system_uptime, 100) as system_time,

    convert(varchar(19),d.modified_on, 100) as modified,

    c.device_name as location,

    c.port as vlan

    from (

    desktop_other_d o

    left join desktop_info d on o.mac_address = d.mac_address


    left join cisco_master c on d.mac_address = c.mac_address


    d.MAC_address+d.hostname not in (

    select MAC_address+hostname from desktop_exclusion

    where excl_type like 'USB') and o.type = 'STORAGE'

    and o.status != '00000001' and d.MAC_address != ''

    and (isnull(device_name, '') not like '%SEZStore%'

    and isnull(device_name, '') not like '%DTAStore%'


    order by d.mac_address, d.hostname

  • The FROM part of your select query is starting with table name "desktop_other_d"

    I guess this is causing an error

    from (

    desktop_other_d o

    left join desktop_info d on o.mac_address = d.mac_address


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