wht are the things we need to cosider afer database mirroring is configured

  • Hi All,

    we configured database mirroring.

    what are the things we need to consider after the mirroring is configured.

    when i use launch database mirroring monitor i can able to see two TABS,

    in that one among them is warning tab SET THRESHOLD button is there what is the use of that.how to set the thresholds .



  • It depends on what sort of mirroring you have setup, I would leave the thressholds alone unless you are experincing issues.

    One important thing to consider after implementing mirroring is to ensure that any application that connects to the databse is made 'mirror aware' this is easy enough in .NET as you can use FAILOVER PARTNER in the connection string. Other applications may take more work.

    Also you need to ensure that all your logins can access the mirror server and DB in case of failover as well as making sure your SQL Agent can handle a failover.

  • In addition to the above...

    - Check that the Logins exist on the failover partner.

    - If you dont have a WITNESS server then consider this msdn article...


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