Help with SQL Query

  • I'm a newbie, I need help with sql query.

    The requirement is : To get data from table which has column which has values example x=1 or Yes


    ID varname varvalue

    1 x 1

    2 y yes

    3 z no



    select all records of table if varname=x and varvalue=1 or 'yes'

    and varname=y and varvalue=2 or 'no'

    How do we translate above req into sql query

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  • rtanda (10/16/2010)

    I'm a newbie, I need help with sql query.

    The requirement is : To get data from table which has column which has values example x=1 or Yes


    ID varname varvalue

    1 x 1

    2 y yes

    3 z no



    select all records of table if varname=x and varvalue=1 or 'yes'

    and varname=y and varvalue=2 or 'no'

    How do we translate above req into sql query

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    hi , from what description you gave this shall work.

    Declare @b-2 table


    ID int,

    varname varchar(10),

    varvalue varchar(20)


    insert into @b-2 values(1,'x','1')

    insert into @b-2 values(2,'y','yes')

    insert into @b-2 values (3,'z','no')

    insert into @b-2 values (4,'y','no')

    select * from @b-2 where (varname='x' and

    (varvalue='1' or varvalue='yes')) or (varname='y' and

    (varvalue='2' or varvalue='no'))

  • Sounds like a homework question.

    If you use the answer from above without quoting the source (therewith stating it's not your solution) it'll be considered as plagiarism. It's cheating anyway.

    Another story would have been if you had at least tried to solve it on your own, and if got stuck, ask for clarification/explanation together with what you've tried and what you need help with.


    Other professionals around (on different threads) did remove their solutions as soon as the homework issue has been brought up. You might want to do the same 😉

    A pessimist is an optimist with experience.

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  • Thanks for quick reply

  • Thanks for the quick reply sayedkhalid99

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