November 17, 2009 at 1:58 am
I'm fairly new to MS SQL and require some assistance if possible.
I have two similar query statements one looking for sum of local orders and the other looking for sum of global orders. However, I need to combine the two queries into one the problem is each of the constructed queries require the Group By clause in order to out put the required detail. (see below)
-- Query One
select sum(poit_valord),poit_supplier
from poitem,porder,plsupp
where poit_order = pord_order
AND poit_qtydel < poit_qtyord
AND pord_pondcode = 'Local'
AND pord_supplier = poit_supplier
AND plsup_ndcode = pord_supndcode
GROUP BY poit_supplier,plsup_minord
-- Query Two
select sum(poit_valord),poit_supplier
from poitem,porder,plsupp
where poit_order = pord_order
AND poit_qtydel < poit_qtyord
AND pord_pondcode <> 'Local'
AND pord_supplier = poit_supplier
AND plsup_ndcode = pord_supndcode
GROUP BY poit_supplier,plsup_minord
Any help would be very much appreciated.
November 17, 2009 at 2:07 am
As the queries are the same barring the test for pord_pondcode the below would eb more efficient than two queries.
Also you were grouping by plsup_minord but not selecting it out.
select case when pord_pondcode = 'Local' then 'Local' else 'Non-Local' end,sum(poit_valord),poit_supplier
from poitem,porder,plsupp
where poit_order = pord_order
AND poit_qtydel < poit_qtyord
AND pord_supplier = poit_supplier
AND plsup_ndcode = pord_supndcode
GROUP BY poit_supplier,plsup_minord,case when pord_pondcode = 'Local' then 'Local' else 'Non-Local' end
November 17, 2009 at 2:20 am
Thanks for that I think I understand. However, the resulting data needs to populate a 3 column table:
Col 1 - poit_supplier (Supplier Code - to be output only once for each supplier in the result)
Col 2 - sum(poit_valord) (Sum of ALL Orders for a supplier placed locally)
Col 3 - sum(poit_valord) (Sum of ALL Orders for a supplier placed non-locally)
I hope this clarifies what I'm trying to achieve? Any ideas greatly appreciated
November 17, 2009 at 3:09 am
I had to make some guesses, but try this:
SELECT supplier = ITM.poit_supplier,
local_orders = SUM(CASE WHEN ORD.pord_pondcode = 'Local' THEN ITM.poit_valord ELSE 0 END),
global_orders = SUM(CASE WHEN ORD.pord_pondcode <> 'Local' THEN ITM.poit_valord ELSE 0 END)
FROM poitem ITM
JOIN porder ORD
ON ORD.pord_order = ITM.poit_order
AND ORD.pord_supplier = ITM.poit_supplier
JOIN plsupp SUP
ON SUP.plsup_ndcode = ORD.pord_supndcode
WHERE ITM.poit_qtydel < ITM.poit_qtyord
November 17, 2009 at 3:18 am
Hi Paul
That's fantastic! .. worked a treat 🙂
Many Thanks
November 17, 2009 at 3:47 am
* goes out to buy a Lotto ticket * 😀
November 17, 2009 at 4:32 am
Good Luck!!
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