September 16, 2010 at 12:30 pm
To insert a value from a table into a warning statment
my script currently is as
Update table A
Set RptStatement = ' watever you comapnyName @2010'
where ( rptStatementId = 1 and rptStatementNO = 4)
So i have to create a new script for every new company i have to add and dispaly the report , now instead of doing this i want to create a script where the "watever you comapnyName " is derived from a table company name where the company Name has already been defined
Is there a way to do this can i include a select statement inside the Rpt Statement or how can i accomplish this
Please let me know if i have enot explained this properly
September 16, 2010 at 12:57 pm
avi-631555 (9/16/2010)
To insert a value from a table into a warning statmentmy script currently is as
Update table A
Set RptStatement = ' watever you comapnyName @2010'
where ( rptStatementId = 1 and rptStatementNO = 4)
So i have to create a new script for every new company i have to add and dispaly the report , now instead of doing this i want to create a script where the "watever you comapnyName " is derived from a table company name where the company Name has already been defined
Is there a way to do this can i include a select statement inside the Rpt Statement or how can i accomplish this
Please let me know if i have enot explained this properly
You haven't given us any schema or sample data to understand the problem completely, but to begin with, data from columns can be combined with character data as shown in the code below. There are a number of ways to get the column data: You can join to the table that contains the company names (presumably joining on a company number or ID). Or you can write a subquery to get
the company.
declare @company table (companyID int identity(1,1) primary key, companyName varchar(30))
insert into @company
select 'My Company' union all
select 'Your Company'
select companyName+' @2010'
from @company
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills
September 16, 2010 at 1:03 pm
did you try a joined solution like ...
Update A
Set RptStatement = ' watever you ' + C.comapnyName + ' @' + cast (year(getdate()) as char(4))
from TableA A
, Companies C
where ( A.rptStatementId = 1 and A.rptStatementNO = 4)
-- just to restrict the scope
and A.RptStatement <> ' watever you ' + C.comapnyName + ' @' + cast (year(getdate()) as char(4))
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September 16, 2010 at 2:30 pm
First of all thanks for the scripr and i ran it this way as shown below but the company name and confidential are diaplyed together can i insert a break in between like an html break to seperate the two or is there a different way to do this
Update Astatements
Set AStatement = C.companyName + ' Confidential '+ ' @' + cast (year(getdate()) as char(4)) + C.companyName + ',Corporation. '
from AStatements W
, Company C
where ( W.AName = 'AWarn' and W.ANo = 1)
-- just to restrict the scope
and W. AStatement <> C.companyName + 'Confidential '+ ' @' + cast (year(getdate()) as char(4)) + C.companyName + ' ,Corporation. '
When i do this it shows up as
CompanyName Confidential @2010companyName,Corporation.
Also what does char(4) server here
September 16, 2010 at 2:39 pm
The CHAR(4) is a datatype, as opposed to INT or VARCHAR or DATETIME, etc. It indicates that the 4 digits of the years are being stored as a character string 4 characters long.
Try using char(13) for a new line.
Also, SET statements just assign values to single (scalar) variables. For multiple rows you should be using SELECT.
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills
September 16, 2010 at 2:40 pm
I think i know how to perform the spaces now i tried it on an insert into can we perfrom this on an insert Into statement
So for a statement like
Insert into ATable
value ( Employees of a "CompanyName from Company table" will get the same email " from "CompanyName from Company table" )
September 16, 2010 at 3:30 pm
I think that would be impossible ( what i asked for ) only scalar variables are allowed in an insert and no subqueries as i have to enter the query into a statement unless anyone has a different approach
September 16, 2010 at 4:20 pm
only scalar variables are allowed in an insert
Pardon me, are we talking about something other than T-SQL?
I ask because in T-SQL there is no such limitation. You can absolutely use a SELECT with an INSERT in T-SQL.
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills
September 16, 2010 at 4:27 pm
Well i am not getting it then if u can explain ti that would be awesome this is what i am trying to accomplish
Insert Into values ( 1,2, 'A warning statement for the user " Select A from B table" ' )
Please let me know if i didnot explain properly
September 16, 2010 at 10:49 pm
The VALUES clause is one source of data to be inserted, but a SELECT clause can also be a source of data for an INSERT.
See the example below.
declare @source table (ID int, data varchar(30))
declare @target table (ID int identity(1,1), data varchar(30))
-- using VALUES clause to insert data
insert into @source
values(4, 'oranges' ),
(2, 'apples'),
(6, 'melons');
select '@source' as
,ID,data from @source
-- using SELECT clause to insert data, adding text
insert into @target
select data+' Hi Mom'
from @source
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills
September 17, 2010 at 10:20 am
Thanks again for the clarification this is what i tried
IF EXISTS(SELECT * from A where where AID ='4')
Print 'The EmpID alreay exist'
Insert Into Emp (AID,BName,SName,IsActive)
Values (4,'this','that' ,1)
Print 'Added the Name to the Emp Table '
"This" and "that" in the insert statement shoould be selected from EmpNAmes table where it is already defined by a previous script. Now this has to be dont without making a stored procedure. is this a way i can perform this without dcalring any variables ??
thanks again
September 17, 2010 at 1:05 pm
You sure can.
I'm not sure why we're stuck on using a values clause to do this, but the expressions in a value clause may include sub-queries so long as they only return one row containing one value.
See the example below.
declare @target table (name varchar(10), data1 varchar(50), data2 varchar(50))
insert into @target
values ('Bob', (select top 1 name from sys.objects order by name ), (select top 1 name from sys.columns order by name))
select * from @target
I now understand what you were trying to say about scalar variables. Understand that is not really an INSERT limitation. Its easy to use INSERT INTO/SELECT to insert multiple rows at a time. However, the expressions in the VALUES clause must be scalar.
Here are other ways to write this without using a VALUES clause.
declare @target table (name varchar(10), data1 varchar(50), data2 varchar(50))
insert into @target
values ('Bob', (select top 1 name from sys.objects order by name), (select top 1 name from sys.columns order by name))
select * from @target
insert into @target
select 'Bob',(select top 1 name from sys.objects order by name), (select top 1 name from sys.columns order by name)
select * from @target
insert into @target
select top 1 'Bob', name, name2
from sys.objects
cross apply (select top 1 name from sys.columns order by name) ca (name2)
order by name
select * from @target
Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. -- Friedrich Schiller
Stop, children, what's that sound? Everybody look what's going down. -- Stephen Stills
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