Full text search - Not able to search Docx

  • Hi,

    I am implementing full text search in our dB. I'm able to search .doc, .xls files but not .docx and .xlsx files. I've the latest filters pack (office 2010) installed on the server. Am I missing something in the set up?

  • srinivas-406082 (11/30/2010)

    Hi,I am implementing full text search in our dB. I'm able to search .doc, .xls files but not .docx and .xlsx files. I've the latest filters pack (office 2010) installed on the server. Am I missing something in the set up?

    was it ever resolved?!!!!..........................

    Check the view sys.fulltext_document_type for document_type =.docx

    If the path of the dll (Path column in the view ) is not c:/windows/system32 , then you can try to copy the dll from the actual path to c:/windows/system32 folder, update the path coulmn in the above view, and also the registry entry for the clas_id to update the new path. Restart the server and test again.

    Still if it doesnt work, you may need to uninstall this dll , install it again and this time give the path c:/windows/system32 to save the dll. Then execute these

    exec sp_fulltext_service 'load_os_resources', 1;

    exec sp_fulltext_service 'verify_signature', 0;

    restart the server. test.

    Still if it doesnt work, try unistalling and installnig the dll again and executing the 2 scripts and restart the server.

    It happened for me, the PDF dll for 64 bit machines wasnt working, but the above steps helped!

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