Multiply the quantity with -1

  • Hi all,

    I have table with name ABC

    Table ABC:

    columnname datatype

    ID int not null,

    quantity int null,

    type varchar(20)

    insert into abc values(1,2000,'standardorder')

    insert into abc values(2,4000,'internalorder')

    insert into abc values (3,5000,'returnorder')

    The table above tells the id ,quantity and the type of the order..

    now my problem is i want to multiply all the returnorder types with minus which i could do with this...

    update abc

    set quantity=quantity*(-1)

    where type='returnorder'

    and i need to put this code into my stored procedure ..which we might run this more than once while testing ..if we run more than once the quantity becomes plus again ..Is there any way i could check the column before i multiply it with -1 ,like if the column is already negative i want to leave it like that else multiply with -1..

    Thank you

  • itskumar2004 (9/29/2010)

    Hi all,

    I have table with name ABC

    Table ABC:

    columnname datatype

    ID int not null,

    quantity int null,

    type varchar(20)

    insert into abc values(1,2000,'standardorder')

    insert into abc values(2,4000,'internalorder')

    insert into abc values (3,5000,'returnorder')

    The table above tells the id ,quantity and the type of the order..

    now my problem is i want to multiply all the returnorder types with minus which i could do with this...

    update abc

    set quantity=quantity*(-1)

    where type='returnorder'

    and i need to put this code into my stored procedure ..which we might run this more than once while testing ..if we run more than once the quantity becomes plus again ..Is there any way i could check the column before i multiply it with -1 ,like if the column is already negative i want to leave it like that else multiply with -1..

    Thank you

    I would think the easiest would be to add to the where clause:

    AND Quantity > 0

    -- Cory

  • yes ,you are right...

    Thanks for the reply.

  • itskumar2004 (9/29/2010)

    I have table with name ABC

    Table ABC:

    columnname datatype

    ID int not null,

    quantity int null,

    type varchar(20)

    The table above tells the id ,quantity and the type of the order..

    now my problem is i want to multiply all the returnorder types with minus which i could do with this...

    I would double-check business requirements and implementation logic.

    Usually business will ask to see two records for such order, the first one showing the order was served and the second one showing the order was returned.

    I agree an easy solution would be to have positive (+) quantity in the server order and negative (-) quantity in the returned order but I wouldn't multiply quantity by -1 in original record. By doing this system will tell affected product come in but, it would not tell product went out first.

    Hope this helps.

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.

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