expression in ssrs to get sum

  • in my matrx report i have like this

    Records Excluded Records included


    Branch1 10 15

    Branch2 13 10

    Branch3 15 5


    Claims1 10 15

    Calims2 20 10

    i want the rprot like this in ssrs

    Records Excluded Records included


    38 30

    Branch1 10 15

    Branch2 13 10

    Branch3 15 5


    30 25

    Claims1 10 15

    Calims2 20 10

    ie in one rwo above i need the sum of those that come under that type.

    how to write an expression for this

  • Hi.. 🙂

    I tried this and got an output as attached.

    Please find the attached file and let me know, if you were looking out for this (report) display??



  • HI Niraj,

    Thanks for your reply. I am done withbthis report.actually i could not explain what i need . i tried comeup with some scenario but not explaned clearly.

    now i am done with that report and met the specifications.

    Thanks for your reply once again.

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