Page Break is not working in rdlc

  • Iam having the requirement like,

    I have one report which contains two sections like section A and B.

    Im populating the data for section A from one dataset and B from another dataset.

    I need to select the option to show the section B based on user choice i.e., YES or NO.

    If YES, I need to show the section B in another page. (Page break)

    If NO, section B shouldn't be visible.

    My problem is,

    When we select YES, the Page Break is not working.

    Please suggest the solution without any subreport concept.

  • Hi,

    Actually conditional visibility ll not work for page breaks... but no need to worry.. there is a work around for everything in SSRS 😎 ..

    just place a recatngle before section b. use that conditional visibility in that rectangle and give page break...

    Gayathri 🙂

  • Friend,

    It is not working..

  • hi, place the section A inside one list box. and section B in another list box..

    give page break at end for section A list in edit group details... now give conditional visibility for section B list as


    Gayathri 🙂

  • Hi,


    Now, Conditional visibilty is not working..Page break is working..

  • Hi,

    in section B List -> visibility - > expression -> =IIF(Parameters!DISPLAY.Value="YES",FALSE,TRUE) -> ok

    whether u did like this ?

    else.. send me your steps...

    Gayathri 🙂

  • =IIF((Parameters!Materials.Value(0) = "True" and CountRows("USDATDBS01_XTOOL_MaterialsDSet") > 0), False, True)

  • Friends,

    Thanks for your valuable time.

    Please suggest is there any solution for this..

  • I got the solution for this.

    but the problem is, When im selecting the "SHOW SECTION B" as getting the empty page displaying.

    I don't require the ectra page to be displayed.

    How to proceed to get the solution.

  • Hi,

    if u r using ssrs 2008.. Try this ..check attached image

    open properties window for Report - > consume container white space - > true

    Gayathri 🙂

  • Hi,

    Im not able to find the option in rdlc report. The option is there for rdl report.

    Please provide the solution.

  • This option is not there for rdlc report.

    Please provide the solution.

  • Please suggest the solution as im in very urgent need.

  • Friends,

    Please suggest me the solution.

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