Scheduling SQL job

  • Hi All,

    I have to schedule the job Continuously.

    Can i use the "Start automatically when SQL Server Agent Starts" in Schedule option ?

    Any one please give me approach....


    On Success On Failure


    Step 1: ABCDEF step 2 Quit with Reporting Failure

    Step 2: GHIJKL step 3 Quit with Reporting Failure

    Step 3: MNOPQ step 4 Step 5

    Step 4: RSTUV step 2 Quit with Reporting Failure

    Step 5: WXYZ Success Report Quit with Reporting Failure

    The above one is my job steps with on success and on failure steps .

    If all steps are successfuly executed then the job has to executed immiediatly....


    Sasidhar P

  • what do you mean by schedule the job continuously?

    The job will automatically run on its next schedule if your job agent(sqlserveragent) is running


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