SQL 2000 to SQL 2008

  • Hi all

    Just a quick question, what would be the effects if i detached my database from a sql 2000 instance and attached it to a sql 2008 instance or used the backup/restore functions in the same way? The database has been created etc in sql 2000.

    Would there be any issues except the disassociation of users from logins (in the backup/restore case and in the detach/attach case i know i would have to create the logins etc) that you would normally get when doing this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Does anyone have any ideas?

  • It depends.

    In general this migration should be even more smooth than migration from SS2000 to SS2005, especially if you leave your database in compatibility level 80.:-)

    But you can find some issues with DTS packages (if you have them) - it is better to convert them to the SSIS packages.

    ODBC applications can also get a problem, because SS2008 doesn't support some old data providers (for the older versions of PowerBuilder for instance).

  • The process of attaching or restoring the SQL2000 database to the 2008 instance would upgrade it to a SQL2008 database.

    run the upgrade advisor against the SQL2000 instance to see if you will have any issues with SP code or database design.

    The database in SQL2008 would remain in 80 compatibility mode by default.


  • Hi

    Thanks for this. This is what I thought but wanted to double check before doing it.

    We dont have many DTS packages and the ones we do are very old and can be replaced by running a stored procedure using a job. I will use the upgrade advisor beforehand to make sure everything is ok.

    Thanks again for your help.


  • If you are planning to Attach system databases too (Master, MSDN etc), you may face some issues. Since structure of few system tables in system databases is different than sql 2000 structure. You may plan ahead to migrate the data in System Databases to SQL 2008.



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