Steps for changing a server name

  • Hello All,

    We recently changed the name of the Windows 2008 server. The 2005 SQL Server EE seemed to have no problem adapting to the new name, but when I run the query: Select * from sys.servers, the "old" server name shows up as Server_id 0, the "new" server name is listed as Server_id 1, and the other linked servers appear normally.

    What do I need to do to remove the "old" box name from the system tables in SQL Server?


  • sp_addserver 'NewServerName', 'local'

    You must shut down and restart the server.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • Also you may have to script out and recreate your jobs, and potentially logins (they have the server name hardcoded).

  • Thanks Wayne and Derrick

    I'll give that a try.


  • The addserver command did not work: "The server xxxx already exists"

    Which is true. The new server name has been recognized by SQL Server and the jobs, procs, mirroring, etc. are all working fine.

    The problem is in getting the old name out of sys.servers.

    Any other ideas?


  • Do sp_dropserver 'oldname' first to drop the old name, then add the new one with 'local'

  • BINGO!


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