how to replace function to sp or view

  • Hay everyone, i need your help , i have one function and one SP both are working fine, but the problem is my host server didn't allow me to create functions so i have to convert my function to view or another SP but when i convert it , it gives me error as my main SP didn't get any parameter and function works on each row so plz help me how i do convert it or adjust my function in my main query.

    Here are my function and SP.

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[IsMemberPaid] (@SystemUserID int)

    RETURNS varchar(10)



    declare @Return varchar(10)

    select @Return = dbo.MemberFees.FeesAmount

    FROM dbo.SystemUsers LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.MemberFees ON dbo.SystemUsers.SystemUserID = dbo.MemberFees.SystemUserID LEFT OUTER JOIN

    dbo.FeesCategory ON dbo.MemberFees.FeesCategoryID = dbo.FeesCategory.FeesCategoryID

    WHERE dbo.SystemUsers.SystemRoleID = 2 AND dbo.SystemUsers.SystemUserID = @SystemUserID

    IF(@Return IS NOT Null)

    SET @Return = 'YES'


    SET @Return = 'NO'

    return @Return


    and my main SP is :

    SELECTdbo.SystemUsers.SystemUserID, dbo.SystemUsers.ForeName, dbo.SystemUsers.SurName, dbo.SystemRoles.RoleName, dbo.SystemUserStatusCodes.StatusCodeName,

    dbo.Country.CountryName, dbo.Parent.FatherForeName, dbo.MemberShipType.MemberShipName, dbo.SystemUsers.Gender, dbo.SystemUsers.MaritalStatus, dbo.SystemUsers.Email,

    dbo.SystemUsers.Address1, dbo.SystemUsers.MobileNo, dbo.SystemUsers.HomeNo, dbo.SystemUsers.IsActive, --dbo.IsMemberPaid(dbo.SystemUsers.SystemUserID) AS FeesPaid,


    FROMdbo.SystemUsers INNER JOIN

    dbo.SystemRoles ON dbo.SystemUsers.SystemRoleID = dbo.SystemRoles.SystemRoleID INNER JOIN

    dbo.SystemUserStatusCodes ON dbo.SystemUsers.StatusCode = dbo.SystemUserStatusCodes.StatusCode INNER JOIN

    dbo.Country ON dbo.SystemUsers.CountryID = dbo.Country.CountryID INNER JOIN

    dbo.MemberShipType ON dbo.SystemUsers.MemberShipTypeID = dbo.MemberShipType.MemberShipTypeID left outer join

    dbo.Parent ON dbo.SystemUsers.ParentID = dbo.Parent.ParentID

    WHEREdbo.SystemUsers.SystemRoleID = 2

    its a very simple Sp but i didn't get without using function how i get this. As when i call another SP in this Sp as

    exec secondSP SystemUsers.SystemUserID

    it gives me error in the above line, same case with view as view didn't allow me to set parameter.

    plz help me how i convert this function to view or sp or adjust it to my main SP as i didn't understand how i pass each row ID to this.

    Plz reply me asap. Its very urgent.

    Thanx in Advance.

  • The function you have doesn't look very good written...

    Actually you would not need this function in the first place!

    Anyway, here is a replacement query for your sp:

    ;WITH PaidFeesUsers



    SELECT DISTINCT sus.SystemUserID, 'YES' AS FeesPaid

    FROM dbo.SystemUsers AS sus

    JOIN dbo.MemberFees AS mf

    ON sus.SystemUserID = mf.SystemUserID

    JOIN dbo.FeesCategory AS fc

    ON mf.FeesCategoryID = fc.FeesCategoryID

    WHERE sus.SystemRoleID = 2

    AND mf.FeesAmount IS NOT NULL


    SELECT sus.SystemUserID















    ,ISNULL(pfu.FeesPaid, 'NO') AS FeesPaid







    FROM dbo.SystemUsers AS sus

    INNER JOIN dbo.SystemRoles AS srl

    ON sus.SystemRoleID = srl.SystemRoleID

    INNER JOIN dbo.SystemUserStatusCodes AS usc

    ON sus.StatusCode = usc.StatusCode

    INNER JOIN dbo.Country AS cnt

    ON sus.CountryID = cnt.CountryID

    INNER JOIN dbo.MemberShipType AS mst

    ON sus.MemberShipTypeID = mst.MemberShipTypeID

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Parent AS pnt

    ON sus.ParentID = pnt.ParentID

    LEFT JOIN PaidFeesUsers AS pfu

    ON pfu.SystemUserID = sus.SystemUserID

    WHERE sus.SystemRoleID = 2

    Please note: using the aliases and a bit better formatting makes query much more readable...

    P.S. you don't need CTE and can have all required joins added into main query IF all tables in CTE are not 1-to-Many related to each other...


    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • SELECT SU.SystemUserID,















    FeesPaid =




    SELECT *

    FROM dbo.MemberFees MF

    WHERE MF.SystemUserID = SU.SystemUserID

    AND SU.SystemRoleID = 2


    THEN 'Yes'

    ELSE 'No'









    dbo.SystemUsers SU


    dbo.SystemRoles SR

    ON SU.SystemRoleID = SR.SystemRoleID


    dbo.SystemUserStatusCodes SUSC

    ON SU.StatusCode = SUSC.StatusCode


    dbo.Country C

    ON SU.CountryID = C.CountryID


    dbo.MemberShipType MT

    ON SU.MemberShipTypeID = MT.MemberShipTypeID


    JOIN dbo.Parent P

    ON SU.ParentID = P.ParentID


    SU.SystemRoleID = 2;

  • Try to avoid writing scalar user-defined functions. Try even harder to avoid writing scalar user-defined functions that access data tables. Instead of writing a function to process one row at a time (which is almost always going to have horrible performance) try to write a set-based solution. The code I submitted shows one way to achieve that.

  • I though that the join to FeesCategory table in a function, whould ensure something... But I have overlooked that the LEFT JOIN has been used. However, function also checks if the MemberFees.FeesAmount returned is not NULL. I think they may have the record in the table with NULL value for the amount, therefore mf.FeesAmount IS NOT NULL check should added into SELECT statement and er WHEN EXISTS.

    Also, I wonder, will EXISTS look up for each returned record of main query be faster than using CTE? If so, will it be always faster?

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
    (So many miracle inventions provided by MS to us...)

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  • thanx guys, its working now and thanx for your suggestion also.

  • Eugene Elutin (6/25/2010)

    I though that the join to FeesCategory table in a function, whould ensure something... But I have overlooked that the LEFT JOIN has been used. However, function also checks if the MemberFees.FeesAmount returned is not NULL. I think they may have the record in the table with NULL value for the amount, therefore mf.FeesAmount IS NOT NULL check should added into SELECT statement and er WHEN EXISTS.

    To be honest, I didn't give it too much thought. Without table definitions and sample data, we're just coding blind anyway. I tend to put more effort in when the questioner does 🙂

    Also, I wonder, will EXISTS look up for each returned record of main query be faster than using CTE? If so, will it be always faster?

    Probably faster, probably always, but it depends on the data and the exact plan chosen.

    A semi join is typically more efficient since it can stop probing as soon as any match is found. A join must examine all records. Of course, the optimiser is free to transform EXISTS and certain JOIN constructs so both or neither might be implemented as a semi I say, it does rather depend.

    In this case, I would expect a (logically correct) EXISTS to out-perform the DISTINCT + JOIN combination. We were working on our solutions concurrently - so my code was not a response (or criticism) of yours - it just seemed natural to transform the join to an exists to me.

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